Latest County News
Milán. K. Lamb, of Bü-stield, is the gnest of Miss Knight. Mr. 0. H. Kelley entert.ained n few friends Thursday evening. lire. T. DdXter will spend the winter with her iaughter, Mrs. Strirger, near Inkster. Messrs. Wm. Wbitmarsb, 0. AKelley, and Prof. Dennison at tended a banquet al Detroit Priday night. Jolin Bray feil from the roof of the engine house n the Wabash rai'road i i Hilan Friday morning and was si rionsly Imrt erhaps intcnially. Whilmorc I.nke. W in. Sheffer went to Detroit on business Tuesday. Patrick M inaban has lost hisspleadid brown mare. Miss Oarrie B.irker visited Detroit friends. last week. Miss Bertba Flelds visited friende in Aun Arbor last week. Frank Sheldon, of Byron, ctllel on F. M. Lumbard Wednesday. Mrs. F. M. Lumbard visited relativas at New Hudson and Milforrl. Mr. White is settled on Jas. Wafkins' farm. Mr.--. Wiiite quite sirk. I'. M. Lumbard has organizad two singing schools near Brighton. Wedding bells, a full chime, are expeet ed to ring at the Lake sonn. The social al G. M. Field's was a vf-ry enjoyable one, and netted thesociety $5. Jack Smith, who has been working t South Lyon the past summer, is at present at his sister's, Mrs. McDonald Allie Stevens, of the Lake House, lias SBued canls for a New Years' hop. The bill is $1.50. Minnis orchestra will fnrnish musió. A general invitatioii i extended to all. Webntcr. Mr. and Mr. Queal write that tbey have arrived salely in Florida. School district No. '. holds an exhibition this week Friday eyening. The C'. L. S. C. meets at Mi; s Maude Williams' Tuesday eveningB. The weekly prayer-meeting is taken up this week on account of the meeting at Ann Arbor. Henry Starks surprised many of his old friends by his arrival in town. He has been gone for some time and not a few dimly recogniased him. The Y. P. S. C. E., at its last business meeting, elected the ibllowing "fficers for the ensuing six months : President, Don Queal; vice president, Mc Coll; recording secretary, Mrs. Henry Scadin; corresponding secretary, Mips Ida Kenny; and treasurer, Arthur Lin coln. At the last meeting of the Webster Farmer' Club, the followiag "ñicers were elected for the year: President, Wm. E. Boyden; first vice-preeident, K. A. Xordmin; second vice president, Mrs. A. Olaaver; recording secretary, Mr?. Ira Baofcns; corresponding secretary, E N. Bal I; trea--urer, John A.Cusliing; tirst director; Robert McColi; eecond director, G. VV. Merrill. iioai. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Waters are in Charlotte. Mrs. G Lnubengayer, who has been very ill, is slowly recovering. 'A dancing party wa given at I). an Gieson's last Friday evening. 0. L.S weet land and family were the guests of T. Sweetland, of Chelsea, last week. Dan Nisslc, of Cleveland, Ohio, was the guest of Mis; Lydia Laubengayer last week. Toni Vreeland, of Jackson, spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Vreeland. Mrs. Jnn. .lúdele and Mrs. Lydia Kli nis have been visiüng Kev. F. Mayer and family, of Farmington. Mrs. Rebecca Allmendinger has moved to Ann Arbor to make her future home with her daughter, Mrs. l.ncv M;0mber. Miss Carrie Klager, who has been teaching in the Sweetland district, reports the following pupils whose Dames are found on her roll of honor for not being absent the month ending December 4: Herman Khnis, Samuel .1 edele, Hannah .Tedele, Ber'.ha Laubenbengayer, Olga Laubengayer, Otto Laubengayer, Herman Laubeogayer, Guy Water.-, Leola Waters, Christian Hirtli and Katie Hiith. hilpa. Mies Celia Foster nowclerks in Hoag iV Hohne' b.izar. Miss Nellie J. Taylor, of Jackgnn, ivisiting friends here. At present writing, Mr.s. Doyle, au old resident, is very 11. Miss Mellie McLaren, of' Saginaw, is visiting her parents ia Lima. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C.Cetld, of Detroit, visited relatives here last week. Miss Martha Tarbell, formerly ■ Jackson, now clerks for F. P. Glazier. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, of Albion, aie v Uit ing at Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Armstrong's. Represen tat i ve Gorman, who bas been very ill in Washington, D. '., hm reached home. Mrs. 8. C. Pratt, of Worcester, Mas-., wil' spendsome time with her daughter, Mrs. O. C. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Gorton, of Waterloo, celebrated their golden wedding December 2, 1881. For the present, the several churcbee will hold union services in the town hall on Sabbath evenings. Kleven members were received into the Young Ladiea'Sodality of St. Mary's chtirch last Tuesday evening. There was a quarterly ineeting at the MethodiPt church las; Sunday. Hev. E. W. Ryan, presidlng eider, preached the sermón. Married, December 9, 1891, Clarence Maroney and Miss Carrie ug1, both of thie' place. Alsu Ma-on Whipple ani Miss Kdith Leacli. Dr. Horace H. Smith, an old residen', of tliis place, ilied al Puntiac on Thursday. Funeral services were held at tliè Congregational church last Snnday. Union services were held in the Baptist church las! Suriilay, al which time Rev. Conrad gave a full report ot the Sundav school which met in Mukgon lant week. Mr. Church prewnted Hip cause of our sni en.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register