A Lively Meeting
The Webster Farmers' Clul. met at the Congregational chnrch last öaturday afternoon. Messr-. K. N. Bal' aml E. S. Cushman rendered music. Rev. Mr. Morris offeMil prayer. Tlie treasurer reponed $10 30 on hand. After the uaual routine of bosin the feasibility of putting i basement under thfi church was discussed. Thp committee appointed to invotignte the matter met in the mornir.g for that parpose. Mr. Cushman etated that no swork was tolerated in arriving at the conclusión that $500 or thereabouts was uuply suifficient to meet the demands. A committee was appointed, to act with the uhnrch committee, to Bolicil subscriptions. Ii con-i&ted of Win. E Boyden, G. W. Merrill and E. A. Nordm&D. The club then üstened to Miss Etta Drew, who rendered, in a very nood manner,a recitation entitled, "The Lobi Steamehip." Rev. Mr. Morris was then called ;ipon for u talk. He spoke of the interest bliown in the club, aiul instructive topics for diflcnssion. Ho has been mneh impressed with the BubjecU of the liiilroad system of Central Kurope, and with the ballot reform of thie country. He spoke also of the eoeentricities of great men. He referred lo Carlyle's "Héroes and Hero Worsliip." Great men even have weaknessee. Kinj; and giantsare difl'erent wlien viewed in private life. Poets are censured s baring no feelings and philanthropists lay off their garb of benevolence while in their homes and become themselve.1-. Absent-mindednessiaagreat pecnliurity in hnman nature. Archimedes, for inStance, wanted to finish drawinj; his eircle, before the soldier wonld take him prisoner, so absorbed was he in his study. But now we are becoming more nnited; not one person nor one naüon. The doctrine of reciprocity is iloine grand woik. We can soon shake bands with the .Jews and the .Lipanesp. All are improving. The agricultura] interestw are srowing and the speaker was proud of it. We are t:kin_' a sten forward.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register