(11 V COTICES. Kead The Two Sams Ad to day. 86 For a first class folding bed buy hf Ounn Bed for sale at Martin HallerV 87 Tue Holiday Sewing Machine reduc tion sale is for one week only. See ad.i in this paper. I f yon evr need a ni - chine you should read it. Mail order. promptly attended to. AddrePS .1. K. Srhuli, Aun Arbor Mich. 86 It will pay you to go arn see M Haller's furniture establishment. You will have no trouble to select gome thing suitable for a present. Tbt'J. T. Jdcobs Co. inforin us, and you too, in their iipw adverüseioent tbis week lhat somebody íb going to liave a iare chanca for a few days in the purchase of ulsters and overcoats. The best folding bed is the Guiin Bed. Gra .nul and see il, at Martin Httller's. ____ 87 Latest styles of frames at Blake's. The Mictiigati Central Railroad will sell round trip tickets on account of Christmas auil New Years' holidays at one and one-third fare. Tickets on sale on December twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, thirty-first and January limited until January 4. After one of those qnick but sagacious Htill hunts that our worthy sheriff is noted for, he has succeeded in jailing, and plaeing, not ''behind the bars," bnt in his elegant parlor, a beautiful Guild Piano. We believe it was found at Wilsey 's Murie Store. 86 The ideal springs is the most coinfortable and luxurious bed made; for sale at Martin HaÜer's. 87 Read The Two Sams Ad to day. 86 Mr. D. B. Tracy, Northern Passenger Agent C. H. & D. K.R.,will be at Arlington today and tomorrow, and would be pleased to see ail studentsgoing scuth tbr the vacation. Be snre to seehim before leaving the city. If you want a good spring bed buy the Ideal of Martin Huiler, the most comfortable and luxurions spring in market. 86 Imported fac símiles of water colors at BlakeV. Miss A. M. Adaras will be heme from New York about the 14th with a full line of Fancy (ioods. Adabb' Bazaajr. S7 1". South Main rt. New line of etchings ai Blake's. Latest Novelties in Fancy (ioods at Adamb' Bazaar. 87 Central Mills, Butkwheat llo r, is Purp. Try it, Allmeudinger & Schneider. Lessons given in Painting aml Embroidery at Adams' Bazaar. 87 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. üur "Red .Star" oil a L56" tire test while the present -t.ite lest is only 120. ■■Red Star" borní without eharring wiek, emita no odor or smoke, gives a clear white light and is abeolutly safe. Retailed at the same price as low test ails in ibis market. N. B. This oil can be obtained only at our store, 44 S. Main-st., Ann Arbor, Mich. 88 Dean & Co. HllUf Pl' ;imi Hnvll 2 Crown Cal'a Raisins "■, or 4 Ibs. for 25c. 8 ( 'rown ( '.il'a Raisins ldc, or 3 Ibs. for 2$p. London l.uer [{;iisins 15c per lb Cal'a Prtines (0-70, 12c per lb. Evaporated Peacbe 12c per lb. Evaporated Apricots 12c per lb. Mixed NutH 15c per lb. Roastel Peannta lOo per lb. Dean & Co., 14 S. Main-st, Ann Arbor, Mich. 86 ffTt Z _l ATC W 11 be sold at the unuuallv low price of .... 2.52: Fot B few ilays al .... No. 10 Easi Washington St. A New Line of Kancy Qoodl and Stamii).' l'atterns jiibt recciveil. . . . SHADFORD & CORSON. HAS RETURNED ! W. H.STARK THE 60LD PEN MANUFACTURER i H- relurno'l from Nw York, where bc h bien employed for the f'AM" FIVE VKARS with one of tbe !arge! eKera ürmi. Mr. Stark hu 1 ag!n onened hts FAfTORV m HANCHE8TEK. ■■ HKH . whore he prepireti to do hl kind of ! wort In hl line. All kludi o! KMTNTAI PENS MAPK lP RHPAIRSD. ReTf:'? "P"'rKPOI.' Ti%i il.n PBMM, .to. ' W. H. STAKK, - MancheMer, Mich.
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