Notes And Comments
One of the best coiu collection.s in this country, it. is believed, is that of Gite IVDiurstnn, of Nashville, Tenn. The English series is said lo be almost complete from the axon heptarchy down to the Victorian issues, including giod types of Edwaid the Confessor, andof the early Edwardsand Henrys. "Listed," as the brokers sa, at "100 Doses Ont.' Dollar," Hood's Sarsaparilla is alvvays a fair eq livalent for the price. What makea that joy, that merrimcMit?" Rheumatfc pains, neuralglc gout. Salvatton Oi) nas put to rout- Salvatton O1, for hoaling sent, Salvatlon Oil, the linlment. Delaware still preserves its whipping post. Last week a batch of chicleen thieves and other riminals received doses of the cat at the New Castle pillory. I have been a great sufferer from catarrh for over ten years; had it very bad, could hardly breathe. Some nightu I could not sleep and hadto walk the floor. I purohased Ely's Creaui Balm and am using it freely, it is working a cure surely. I have adyisod several frieuds to use it, and with happy rftsults in every case Itis the medicine above all others for catarrh, and it is wortli its weight in gold. I thank God I have fouud a remedy I can use with safety aml that does all that is claimed for it. It is curingmy deafness BW. Sperry, Hartford, Conn. '1 It has been computed that between 36,000,000 and .OOO.OOO babies are bom into the "World each year, or abont seventy per minute. A line of oradles containing them would extend around the world unbroken, hut the silence would be broken in several places.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register