Sometblng Tur the Tor The world renowned success oí Hostetter's Bitters, and their continued popularity for over a third ofa centurj' as a scarcely more wonderful than tbe wekome that greets the animal appearance of Hostetter's Almanac. This valuable medical treatise is published by the Hostetter Companj', Piíteburg, Pa, under their own iminediate supervisión, employinu 00 hands in that department. They are tunning about 11 months in tho year on this work, and the issue of same for 1892 will be more than ten millions, printed in the Englis-h, Germán, French, Welh, Norwegian, Swedish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanigb limgnages. Refer to a copy of it for valuable and interesting reading concerning health.and numerous testimoniáis as to the efficacy of Hostetter'e Stomach Bitters, amusement, varied information, astronomical calcuiations and ehronological items, &c, whicb can be depended on for correctness- The Almanac for 1892 can be obtained free of cost, from druggists and general country dealers in all parts of the country. The Demócrata are so much at sea regarding their candidates for president and vice pre.-ident that possibly a little assistance would be welcome. What is the matter witli: David B Hill and J. Chri-. Jacob. Geo. W. Peck and Richard Croker. YV.E Russell and Jeremiah Simpson. Grover Cleveland and Carter Harrison. "Whiskers" Peffer and R. P. Flower. Don M. Dickinson and He-Paysthe Freight Jones. George William Curtis and "Mike" McDonald. Horace Boies and John P. St. John. . Any one of these tickets would be representativas of Democracy and would sweep the country - for the Republicana. Dr. Acker's Euglish Pilis Atb active, effective and pure. For sick headache, disordered stomach, loss of appetite, bad complexion, and biliousness, they have never been equalled, either in America or abroad. The Alltance. From the Grand Rapids Telegram Heral'i: The farmers' aüiancesucceeded in demonstrating one thing in the last campaign - its weakness. If such an orgauization should develop permanent strength it would soon b .get a confusión of clase parties. We would have alliances of masons, carpenters, laborers, doctors, lawyers and reporters. No peculiar and distinct organization of farmers, mechanics or professional men for political purposes ever has or ever shall succeed in this country, it is opposed to tbe genius of government by the people. The alliance of firmers, the political alliance, has budded, bloomed and busted. For Over Klflj Years Mrs. Winslow'sSoothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softe ns the guras, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the b8t remedy forDiarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggiets throughout the world. 0 Obeap Houct and the I.alxircr. "Cheap money means dear goods." If by any means of the free coinage of silver money is made cheaper, as the Peilers and Simpsons say it will be, then the farmers would, under free coinage, get a slightly advanced pnce for his niilk and his wheat, but would be certain to have to pay largely enhanced price for his groceries, his clothing and everythinghe buyt. Why is thib? Because what he sells he sells at wholesale, and what ie buys he buys at retail, and retail prices ad vanee much more rapidly and much further than wholesale prices. Eighty-cent dollars would be a great disadvantage to the laboring man, who would find it very hard to get any advance in wages, but would find that hisgroceries would immediat.ely advance. It would beofno advantage to any oneex;ept the moneylender and the sharper. - Cleveland World. The i .miiiii m.l. i I n in. i oi' the Grand Army of the Repubüc, M:ij ir George S. Merrill: Fewremedies are better known in this vicinity than Sulphur Bitters; their sale has been very general throughout this section, and Ihe miniber of reliable and welltested cases of beneficial results and recovery by their use, is large and bevond dispute. 2 KeKtnley Button Wrk. The business of the Bostwiik button work 8 Bridgeport,has increaseil to such an extent that the present factory is inadequate and the company have decided to build a new one. Being unable to flnd a suitable location in Bridgeport the management have decided tü move to East Hampton, Mass. The increase of business is duetothe McKinlay bill. The Protective Ta riff has shut out most of the small foreign ivory button concerns, and therefore Bostwick button works have been beneflted. The demand for homemade buttons is increasingwonderfully. The firm now employ 100 hands, but in the new factory will have over twioe as many. - American Economist. They sat under the moonlight, with clasped hands trying to guess what star would be their homewhen love became immortal," bat soon, alashow soon she caught a cold and they nad temporarily to stopguessing. They cured her, however, with one bottle of Dr. Bali's Cough Syrup. lic v om ing l.nir. The Shan Chinese, a penple living between Burmah and China, show their love for their parents by killing them and eating them to save them from the misery of oíd age. shc Whn WillInK to Glvi' I All. Wlieu Queen Elizabeth of England fouiul death approat-hing her, shecried despairiogly, "All my possessions for a moment of tinu!" There are wealthy ladies today, the world over, who would gladly exchange their riches for sound health. Many are made weiland happy by Dr. Pierce'.s Favorhe Prescription, a never-failing cure for diseases so common tü ïompn. As a ''orreciive for all fnnctional weaknesses it is of universal repute amor.g the sex, and thousands ol palé, worn-out enfeebled victima have been changed into vigorons nomen and girlf by its use. Guaranteed to ive satisfaction, or price refunded. Pruggists have it. Mnalelnns on Xnsiclans. Mendelssohn on AVagner:"A talented dilettante." Weber on Beethoven: "■ (pi;e ready for the lnnatr -vli:i)." Handel on _riuck:"Ht; kuosiiu moie of counterpoiiit mv e i k." Wagner on Schiimann; "He han a eertain tendency toward grwtW'." Beethoven on Weber: " H nev r could attain more than the art of nleasng." Schumann nn Wagnpr: "W gner 8, to teil the U iI', ii" iniwrïai "■- nuisicis bollow, ilisaisrtenb aiiil nften Philadelphia Record. Here ! EpUaphy is -.. ilemuraüz i ku.U ol ïatly. It appears on the tombstone,and enlogizes the dead almost to the very tara. The usual mpthod of oonnnencing, is: "Heit ! t . ' V.. , . for tlie lies are fr f) Mi !j quile aslonshing - almost enuugh so toboth ainue anl amaze the dead of whom they are wiïth'P. A truthful epitaph, in inanv nstancee.would be: "Hereliesone who omitted to takt' Dr. Golden Medicai Discovery," Ifsickand suflering, and dreading premature death, test the potent remedy. It cures all i-hronic, liver, blood, and Hing diseases, as biliousnes, skin and Bcalp diseaaes, gcrofulous sores and swellingt;, salt rheu m ,t etter, erysi pelas, and even scrofula of the lungs (or consumption,) if taken in time. Giilt cnftkèa cowards of us all. The unprogreesive autocrat o!' Russia has become so alarmed at the progresa of liberal ideas that be has ordered hs officials to search students' rooms and confíscate allbooks which treat of social questione or hint at politics. What would au student think if Benjamin Harrison were to order the Rei zure of his " Progress and Poverty," "Looking B.Ackward," "Caesar's "Column," or "Kr 'uzer Sonata"? ure Toursell". Don't pay large doctorh' bill. The best medical book puuüshed, 100 plates, will besent to you on receipt of three 2-cent stamps to pay postale. Address A. P. Ordwuy & Co., Boston, Mass. 2 If il IH1 Fiirint-r Payinit Morlgnsf. The splendid Bhowing made by the farmers o!' Kansas in paying off mortgages refutes the slander repeated by Peffer and other Kansas farmers are hopelessly bankrupt. A summary of the reports received under the seal of fifty-nine registers of deeds, covering a periocl offour and on: -half months, gives farm motfgages recorded, $5,851,650-, and released $7,844,245, an excess of mortgages released amounting to ■52,052,595 or 25 per cent. of the total amouut released.- Jackson Citizen. A locomotivo has jast been built at the Crewe works of tbe London and Northwestern Railway, which is papable of drawinga train at the rate of 100 miles an hoor. The speed attained by this oiigine in trial runs between Crewe and Cuestor was ninety miles an hour, but this was shown to be considerably below its full powers. I Have Tnkcn .Severa! Bottles of Bradöeld's Femalc Regulator for falling of the woiub and other diseases cotnbined, of 16 years sanding, and I really believe I am cured entirely, for which please accept my thanks. - Mrn. VV. E. Siebbin?, Ridge, Ga. Sold by all druggists. California is making vigorous efforts to destroy the injuriousinsects destructive to its orchards. A parasite introduced frorn Australia some time ago hu wiped out the " cottony cushion" scale. Last week another parasite was brought over which, it is claimed, wili effectually destroy the red scale, another fruit ravager. IMaylllg ( nrls You can obtain a pack of best quality playing cards by sending fíftepn cents in postage to P. S. Eustis, Gen'i Pass. Agt., C. B. & il R. R., Chicago, III. Pk. M Ten per cent. of the popnlation of India are widows. LEGALS. Ki il Estáte ior Sale. STAÏK OF MICHIGAN,! COUHTS OF WASHTENAW. ƒ In the matter of the estáte of Lorenzo Sawyer deceased N'otice is hereby elven that in pursuance of an order granted to the underslgiied Administrator of the Eütats of sail dceeased by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Wnshtermw, ou the thirtcenth day of N'ovember, A. D. 1891, thcre will be Süld at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, ut the East front door of the Conrt House In the City of Ai;n Arbor. In the County of washloi'.aw, in said State, on Monday. the twenty fifth day of January, A. D. 1892, at twelve o'clock noon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise exiting at the time of the death of said deceas1 d) the following described Keal Estati', to wit: The west half of the nbrtheast quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quatter of the uortheast quarter of section One. tne east part of the northeast quarter ot the northvrest quarter of Eection one (thirly seres). And the north side of the Southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section one (tweutytwo acres) all t:i the township of Pylvan, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Date.1. November 30, 1891. Al.MKKON P, 8KINN8R, Admiuistrator. 'limici'ry Xolioe. ÖÏATE OF MICHIGAN, in the twenly-seeund Judie al Circuit Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the County uf Washtenaw in Chancery. Julia Quackenboss. eomplainant vs. Watter 8. Quackenboss, defendant. Upon due proof by aflidavils that Walter S. Quackenboss, defendant. In the above entitled cause pending in this court. resides out of tbe State of Michigan and in the State ol and on raotion of Gandall i Corbin, solicitors for coinplaiuant, it is ordered that the said defendaut do appear and answer the blll of complaint flled in the said court within four months after the date of this order else the said billof complaiut shall be taken as oonfeaaed, and further that this order be publislied within twenty days from this daie in the Ann Arbor Register, a newspaper published in the said County of Washtenaw and be publibhed thereln once in each week for six weeks in succes sIob: Such publication shall not be necessary ín case a copyof this order be sorved on the defendant personally at least twenty days before the time nereln prescribed for liis appearance. Datcd ihis i::ih dav of November, A I). 1S91. 'K. D CINNE. Circuit Indge. Randai.l A Gorbik, 8olictton fur ('nmplaiuant. A true'i'opy" Attest: Aethür Bbowh, 7 TO THE FIRST rernoo seading nmne and P. O. uddress from any nelgbborbood la ihc Uotted States or Canada, who is sufTcrfQg wfth Catarrh. Dyspepsia. Salt Rheum. Scrotula, Rheumatlsm or General Debility, ,. in s,.i..i fEE& 'TEuCm "H'""1 "i liMilut.-l JC JhwCJd rlmrgi', SIX "s,r BOTTLES OF A0AMUR GREEN PLANT SARSAPARILLA, most perffut Blood and 8tomoh Mcljcine ever compouudcd. It bcuotits every usit, aml ourt-s whca alt other s fail. W(? invite conipllcalel and Ieperat to ndvertlse tbc cnratiTe powers ofour ruedicinca. Descrita your jin'nnus, etvc name of otñr-. nd aiMretii at om-. ADAMIR MEUICIÜÍE COXPANV, Battle Om-k, MIcb. Wf mmuI laigc asd valuaU" WpiM bv mail fr lo ALL
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