CASH STORE ! Bev R.jiier Prooess Flour per bbl... $5.20 60 lbB. " " " Í.30 25 bs.Buck Wheat " 65 Granulated Sugar per ft i No. 1 Japan Tea per ft 40 God " " " 30 Citrón per H' 38 Sliüed Almonts per R 35 Baker's Chocolate per fb 40 Fine Cocoanut per tb 20 Pej.per per ft 20 Mu-tard per ft 20 Giller per ft 20 Allspice per tb 20 Ci.namoQ per ft 20 4 1b-. Crackers 25 31bs. Kaisins 25 4 lbs. EngliBh Currents 25 7 lbs.Rolled Oats 2" 3 CUns C ,rn 25 3 CaasTom'toes 25 10 Ibs. Table Salt 10 56 lbs. Dairy Salt 50 56 lbs.Rock Salt 35 4 uzs. Lemon Extract 15 4 ozs. Vanilla Extract 20 Stove BUiiking per bar 05 Carpet Tacks per box 04 Best N. O Molasses per gal 65 No. 2. N. O. Molasses per gal 45 Vinegar per gal , 15 ShoH Clear Pork per lb 08 Ccdfish per ft 08 Best Plug Tobacco per ft 25 Everything Warranted. Everything First-Class. F. BURG, No. 4 E. Washington Street. HANGSTERFER'S C0NFECT10NERY, Hot Cofïee, Hot Chocolate, Hot Lemonade, Hot Beef Tea, S-A-ÏNTZDWIdEÏIES;, ETC. Ice Gream Soda DurinK the Winter SALES ! SALES ! SALtS ! IN Ribbons, Hats, Velvets and all kinds of Milünery Goods ! $7.75 Hats, now .$4.75 6.00 " " 4.00 6.50 " " 4.00 3.00 " " 2.00 75 Pelt Hats, now 25 Laaies, before buyipg Hats please calí on me ancj examine my goods. RespcctfuIIy yours, MES. A. OTTO, Cor Washington and ! .Mirlh Ave. IF YOU DIE And have one of the Bouds issued by the MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BEMEMBEK They vvill pay the face of the Bond and also all that you have paid. Example : Policy No. 35,609 was issued on the life of Herbert E. Blake for $1,000. Mr. Blake died and the company paid his heirs $1,053.95 ; All the insurance cost was the interest on the premium which was $3.23. The amount in case of death is inserted on face of Bond, also its cash surrender value. REMEMBEli If you live, the face of the Bond will be paid to you at the end of period designated with all the profits. All kiudB of endowmenta written. SemiEndowments and Bouds. Participating and non participating life policies. Nou partieipating life, age 30; Premium $11 59. Rites are low;r than most companies. Profits are larger than any company on earth that write for as small premium. Nearly $4,000,000 aasets; nearly $500,000 surplus. Twentyfour years old, over 400 policies in Washtenaw county. Mouey to loan on endowment policies. Drop me a postal card with street and number. T will cali and expiáis. B. J. CONRAD. Resident Aqt. REMDKNCE: 18 S. Ingalls-St. SET A TICKET OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 AND 6 BROADWAY And you are entitled to a choice of the HOME INSTRUCTOR, LIFE OF GEN. SHERMAN, OR THE LIFE OF P. T. BARNÜM When Cash purchase to the amount of $15.00 bas been made. The Home Instructor, Large Octavo, 478 pages, illustratcd. A compendium of useful knowledge neceesary for the practical uses of every day Ufe. A complete and perfect galde to life in public and private. The Life mul Beeds ol Uen. W. '1'. Kbcrmmi, Crown Octavo, 668 pages, Uustrated. A graphic narrativo of his boyhood and early life, edneation, career in Florida and California, j military achievements, Ufe as a cltizen. last sicknees and death ; with fine steel portiait. Tbe Mie of P. T. Bsrnam, The World Renowned Showman, Crown Octavo, 520 pages, illostrated. His early life and struggles, bold renturee and brüliant success ; his wonderful oareer, hin wit, genius nd eloquence, his Ufe as a citicen, etc.- to which is added his famou book, ' The Art of Money Getting. IVORY SOAP 99L Pure. THE BEST fOft lYLBf FlffiFOSÉ' 9 Jm M ■ "i vvM-s--;v.sinstan. ■ B, k Curefbrl l. Bj m KDrugpristsorninil. Pan S -; III1. ANAKESIS,'I MG Ba SCP lio.-i -UU, New 1 ork City THE CREAT 1: Germán Remedy. [ TRUTHSFORTHESiCK. I For th.i- : ■■itlilvl $1,000 will le palri II BtllonsSpelUdepena foracaewbereSuLf! mSULPtTURBlTTERa PBUB BlTTEKS wil! it villcun' yiiu. uotassistorcure. It [v Do you suffer with ".jJÜ___ EI Cteunse the vitiated II reelinc-; if po, uso hIlX)(i whcn you „ee ?l Sui.iMint Bitters; ts impuritlea burstr; it will cure you. ngthrongh the skin Operativa who are '" l'in'l'lM.Blotrhes, " olosrlT confined in '""' ' K(1'y otl ithP mTllí I wnrl SULnil IS BITTERS, ahop8;cterks,whodi ;inrl hcalth wUl io1not procure ufTlfioiit ]llmmmmmm exercisc, and ;tll who shouldDSeSULFHDR . , , J) ,'ll 0 d" !! Bithers. Thcywlll ' ,.,." ;cd iisüíciu-e nnot theu bowcakauel ,- ' r ' i"vlUl'urt fi If you do n..l wish it!',11'1,",' R BlTTER5B f 11 tnald y.m upan 1 1 ïi atism, dm a bottle of mate yon strongandl I Í SCLPHUK BlTTKKS : hCiilthy. Hl W itncvcrfallstociire. silpiiih BittkhsIII Dun't lc without n will makt! yourbloodJS ' bottle. Trv it: m mire, rirli and strong.tJ ; wlll not regret it. aml yotir lleeli hard. II ', dles in delicate T1',' Sclphvb "it- health, who nre all teus to-night, aml III rundown, ehnnldtise you w!ll sleep wolllll 'vSOLril[-K lilTTEBS. imil fi'.-l fnrif J Doyoiï w;mt ll:' ' .i ïi ' publistaed? ïnd 3 2--i':tt BtAmpa t" A. 1' Okiwaï fc Cov 'oston, ]' . -.. .'t ' ' ■ . froeTHE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BET TER. My doctor says it Mts trently on the stomach, Uver antfkldnej-g. and isa pleasanf laxatlvc. This drink 18 made f rom horbs, and 1 prepaivd for use as easlly as tE&. It is cEilpd LAHE'S MEDICINE AHdragglsteselI itat 50c. and 1.00 per package $500 Reward ! WE wUl p&ythe above reward for ay case of Liver Complalnt, Dyspepsia, Slck Headache, Indigestión, Coustlpation or Costlveness wecannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pilis, when the directions are stricily complied wilh. They are purely Veaetable. and never fail to glve satisfaction. Sogar Coated. Large boxes, contalnlng an Puls. 25 cents. Beware of eountürfeits and itations. The genuine manufactured onl '? THE JOHN C. WE-iT COMPANY, CHICAÜO.Í ,V For Sale by all Druggista. lLiU ATOOTJ'S PHOSPHODINE The OrratEngliih Beinedy. .■SKjH k Promptly and permanent':'ív -.HL fc'y "" all forms of Nerv'S xMPI SpermatorrlUa, Impoteiury vMmK JBf nnd all cffects of Abuse ar ïJrCF tszettwes. Been prescribed "'40jJK. over Sï yearb in thousands '.iTIHBBmDHIo! cases: Is the mlu HdiBefore and Aller, able and Hanatt Medicine known. Ask druggtst for Wood's Phosphodine; if he offers somc worthless medicine in place of this. leave bis dishouest store, inclose prlce in letter, and we will send bT return mail. Price, one package, SI ; six. I ■ . One urtll pleaxc, six wül cure. Pamphlet in plain sealed envelone, 2 stamps. AddreSB THE WOIIV CHRniML CO., 131 Woodward avenue, Detroit, Mich. Soll i ii mi trborby ll respoiiMible nrucirlNlH. jéook's Coïïon Root M&m compound. l23J A recent dlscovcry by an old HS A physician. Swcessfuly uaed I wBf v 7 nwnthly hy tlunicumds of M k M) ." Ladtes, Is the only perfectly L mr sale and reliable medicine L; idiseovcred. Beware of un prlncipled druggists who of tir fer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cott n Root Compound, takt no substitute, or Inclose $1 and 6 "-nts in postage in letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Pull sealed particular in plain envelope, to ladiesonly 2 stamps. Addres i'oiul Clly Company, No a Fisher Block, Detroit, Mich Sold in A ïi ii Arbor bj all reepbuslble lruggltl New Firm? HAYING BOUGHT THE WOO_DYAE,rj FEED BUSINESS i il UEO. H. HAZKLWOOD, we yroposo to keep WDO or all kinds, Kindltng Wood: al, Kaltd HAY nnd MTRAW, l'utl'll nd ki;k, of the beet quality, Charcoal, etc. Gooiit dellvered free to auy part of the city. a Ch paid for lom and Oata. The finn will continue the Truck Business o' U H. Josb, as before. Orders by Telephone prempüy attended to. H. O. OLABK, 3S B. If m-on-si. 1 . phone No. M.
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