Dr. Fruth
Kornierly af New York, uow the celebrated Examintng Physiciau of the Chicauo Mkdícal aso 3b gicai. Institüti, Chicago, 111., by request of many Friendr and Patiënte, has decided io Ytoit ANN ARBOR Thursday, DECEMBER 24, 1891. This is au exoeptlonally good opportunity to receive Consultatie and Examination Kree ad 9trictly Confidential, in the Private Parlore of the COOK HOUSE - one day only. QQ Eü-f U; - '- :B Hft " DR. L. FRTJTH, Kxaminmg Phyaician of the Chioago Medical and Surgical Instituto. Pertnanently Estiiblished and lucorporatod uuder the laws of the State of Illimota with a capital stock of $100,000, for the soientifte and auccessful treatment of all forms of Chronic and Sexual Diseasee, Catarrh, Asthma, 8tomach, Kidney, Bladder, Nervous and Special Diseases uf Meu and Women! Ably aseisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Peoialt' Uiix-ax'spoailivelycurcdbyanever Epilepsy r Fit poaitively cured hj w faillui; method. A home treatment entlrely hann new and never faillog Hospital treatment. less and easily appllcd. Consultaüon íree and Kldner orBlaiidtr lee,BrlKli' strictly confidential. inpa. Diabetes and kiudred malárica. Dr. Friilb, aller years of expenence, bas per, , A effected in thonsand of mmm iXiïX 'SSISifKÜS! ïLïïLii& &d " P-uncedbeyond hope. ory, Weak Back. Melancholy, Want of Energy, friviiX' niscasea- Blood Poison. SyphUüi Premature decline of the Manly Powen- those (ionorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Hydrocele, Varioo. terrible disorders ar ing from ruinoiic practices of „„1 lqbs of Sexual Power, and all dlsease oTMm youth,blicb.tingtIieinostrAdiauthopes,renUeriiig genito urinary organi speedily and permanetlT marriage unhappy. cured. So rlfki incurred. Consultation free and YomiK len who thruueh ieuorance or the itrictly confidential Medicine sent free front obcareless exubcrance of ronthfnl spiritu, have been servatlon to all part of the United State, nnfortunatc and flml themBclves In darger of lolng thilr health and embltterlng their after live ntnrrli t'untl.- Catarrhal affectloni of tke may, before ldiory, Insanlty, ruiling fits or total UOse throat lunes and gtomach.bronchitiB,iikaa impotenry resulls. cali with full eonfidence. eonjumDtlon and dyspepsia, fnoceMfully trrated 11 Io Cured without pain, knife or cautery. by the most recent and sclentlflc methodn wMt No detention from business. a vast hospital experlence ha proTed woray MarrlHic - Married persons or youug men of confldence. We ileslre no better proof Of tmc contemplating marriage, aware of physical weak ceas tban the testimonial, on file at the inatiM nesa, loss of procreatiye powers, impotency . oi any of thoutands of helples cases thu we have restored other dlsqualification, speodily restored. to health and happinesa. Free F.xitminatloii f Ibe Urine E&eh person applying for medical treatmentshould awil or brlng an ounce of thelr urine, whieh will receive a careful chemical and microscópica! eriÜon WflUniSMf PflBP? Perfected in old cases which have been ueg'ccted or unsklllfully trealed. WUSDfiftfUL Uttti NoexperlmeDtsor fallurrt Paxlke ireatcd by maC anJ expres, bot wb posBible, personal consultation is preferred. Curable caes guaranleed. 4W Cases aud correspondencc confidential. Treatment sent C. O. D, to any part oí O. S. lf 1S0 Muestions free DR. A. C. FRCTB, 30 Vanburen St., Chlco, TM
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