BUCH, ABEL & CO, Deep Cut in the Price of Cloaks FOR DECEMBER SALES. Our Entire Stock of Misêee1 and Childrm's Cloaks to be Sold Out at Cost and Below Cost. NO RESERVATIONS ! Our $30 and S32 Plush Saeqnes to be sold at $25 during thie sale. These goods are made from Wiil kers'. . . . Guaranteed Plush. No such bargain was ever offcred in this city. Plush Jackels Reduced in Price to close out. We want to sell th(m all ; po begin early that everybody may advantage of the reduction. One Lot Black Cheviot Jackete, Astrachan Triinmed, reduced irom $10 to $7.50. One Lot Plush Cloaks, 40 inclies long, reduced trom $18 to $12. All of Entire Stock of Cloaks, Jackets, Newmarkets, Capes and Wraps at prices that will sell the irhole lot out in quick time. Big Reductions in Dress Flannels and Homeepuns. Barqains in Dress Goods tbat will make it lively during the monthe. Blankets and Comfor tables t prices that will sell the whole lot in short order. The ünderwear Department bas been visited and the prices reTÍ8ed for this sale. One Case Ladies' all Wool, Sanitary Vests and Pants, worth f 1.2S reduced to 90c a Garment for this sale. Astonishinq Low Prices for Beaver, Velvet and Camel's Hair Shawls. All Prices Greatlv Reduce 1 for this Sale. We are going to give the People the Benefit of the Exreme Low Prices, Come Earlv and Profit by Our Loss. Bach, Abel & Co., 26 SOUTH MAIN STREET. XMAS! XMAS! SLIPPERS COME ONE COME ALL -AND - SEE WHAT WE HAVE IN SLIPPERS FOR XMAS. PLEASE REMEMBER WE ARE HEADQTJARTERS FOR THE BEST MAKES OF FOOTWEAR AT LOW PRICES Womeris Lamb'ls Wool Qf Soles (JC _ A PAU: SAMUEL KRAUSE, 48 S. MAIN STREET. Children Cry tor Pltcher's Castorla.
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