OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Aüveitisement, sucïi as To Bent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceedlug three Unes, can bc uiserted three weeks for 25 rentK. WAMEII. S7AK By a student, work to héfi pay TT expenses, address, J. 12 8. Thayer-st. 88 r JÍTKD - To Rent one halt of house: pay ment taken in board b owner, one person. Houw furnishcd, 3U 8. Universlty-nve. 88 WW I Kl -Six wond ehoppers: apply to .T. Jacobs & ('n. fnr particnlnrs. 87 W' AN'I'ED- L'ornstnlks.twoor more ljad-: ïnqulre at Calkina' Pharmacy, State-at. 87 W"Tri- Aman to do chores for house rent. 79 Washtenaw Ave, 87 ME Wanted ; salary and expenses. Permanent place. Apply at once Brown Bros. Co , Nurserymen, Chicago. 9a TX7AHTED- YoQDg man or yonng womnn do ' you want a good position at home or abroad; we gnarantee from $S0.0 to SMO.O'i per nionth ?end stamp for particular to. W. B Oanson 92 Haverntraw, N. Y. TT7 KTRU- A good. fresh Milch Cow. Wood '1 Corn, Oats. Hay. Butter. Eggs, etc in exchance for Household goods of all kinds New and second hand, at32E. Huron-st. J. S Mann 7r IRXI.E. O1 Sll.K.-Large 120 gallon galramzed 1 ron oll tank, lor gasoline or kerosene Goed asnew.avd for fale cheap. AddrcBS, I'. O. Box 83. Ann Arbor. gg FOR M.4I.E- Büliard table, Library taMe and Bnok-raw. 83 Kast Liherty-st. 87 LMIKRAl.B- An almoft ptrlectly new Oil 1 Stove. Works well and is a good heater. Vvlll besold atabargaln. For sale at the School of Shorihand. 20 rouih Statest, Ihird floor. 87. I7OR f AI.F- A good work horee. Enqnlre at " Register Office or address Box 166. 86 Fm SAI.B.- Menalloid, 'Corralloia yearling Filly." Reiristered in "American Trotting Register os Ptandard," under Rule 7, Yol. 10. Sire CorraUod983í, Dame Lady Belle, by Menalaus 226, by Hambletonlan 10. G. C. Obasb, Stony Creek, Mlch. AÍ) Acnr' FARM forsaleatWhltmoreLake '" Kxcellent soil. fcood house, barn, and sheds Apply to Wal ter L. Taylor, 90 Broadway Ann Arbor, Mich. 87fitf FOR SA I.E.- 8ix room house No. 63 Mlllerave. This property offered cheap to close an estáte. Apply to Moore & Taher. 68tf F' A km o. HAi K-VJO Acres of Land, six miles Irom city, or willexchange forcitv property. Enqnire at No. 3 E. Llbertv-at. 79if UOR KALE- One pair single and one pair A doublé bobs. also single wagon: will take hay straw or wood in payment, S9 E. t'nirersity Ave 88
Old News
Ann Arbor Register