FOR KEKT. F'OK KKKT- Ohea-; agood house on Chuu-st. near Spring; apply lo Jacob Ganzhorn 73 Springst. 86tf T BEKT;- Five "rurnished rooms at 10 E Wflvhiucton-at. ge Jj"OR KK5Í I- A suite ofroomc,ai;il one single r room in Unity block. Enqulre of B. Brown 13 3onth -State Street. _ 80tf MISfl,LLAEOIS. LST- Somewhere between Atii Arbor and Sak m, a uote trom the Decring Co., gainM Ilarman Gigter lor !M6 W. Also 515 00 in currency. Kinder will receive $v00reward upon return of same to J. E. ferry 'y. miles west of Salem Station 86 FiIRHT-OLASS-dressmaking at 3 Willard-st byMlati Myra Perrons, formerly of Bay City. K . - tUfil F. Ki' I T; - will fftn lei " T bod in palntlng, at No. 10 N. State-at 86 IK you wish to adveitiseanythlng anywhore kt any time write to QEO. P. KOWELL t CO , No "I Bpruoe St. New York. 870-921 j 7 VERY one in need of Information on ue sul 4 ject of adrertitlng will do welltoobtain t, .opy of "Book for Advertlsere. 868 page, irlce one dollar. Malled, postage paid on receipi '. price. Contain8 a oareful compilatlon from the imerican Newspaper Directory of all the best , aucrs aml clase Juurnals; gives the clrculatiov r atlng of every one, and a good deal of infonxuttion abont rates and other mattere pertainlng to ihebnainess ol advertising. Addresa ROWELL VDVERTISING BDREAl' 10 Sprnee St. N. Y. ffTO-iïl .K HA LK- SO acre of land in Gratiot Co., 8avilleTownhip,2 mileï from Riverdale R. R. Sution. Also post oflïce. saw mili, grist mili, hotel, hardware store, grocery. ding store and dry gttods i tore The tlmber is beech and maple. The Bfiil is gravelly loain The farm llisons good roau )4 mile from good frame school house. New frame house 24x16, two story; kitchen 20x10; good cellar, wi-11 and horsc barn. 20 acres improved and ten in wheat. all plow land. Will sell farm for tl,W0, wouldlilte cash down but would sell for part down. Write at once if jou want a bargaln. Adrlress J. Warren Hitchins, Howell, Mich. 86_ LiAKïl titu Tbe Bullock orETerett F farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station and 11 miles frum Ann Arbor; containing lOy acres; house i nd ' ..rn. stock and well water, timber; school .:.d i.irch withln amile; land naturally the beat and in good conditton. Als 10-aere fnrin lor sale. The s !$ of the east H ot the s. e. qr. of sec 34 of Ann Arbor town, being part 01 the Hmve Noith place north of the county farm ï miles from 1ack & Sohmld's, one and a half miles fri.m city limita First class land for peaches. Prices and terms reasonable Cali on or address Andrcw K. Gibson, L'2 E. Washington-st, Ann Arbor. Mtoh. 60tf l'roiiafc Order. STATE OF MU HIGAN, I . ('UllNTV' OF WasHTENAW At a session of the Probate Couit ior the ('ouuty of Wa:-hf naw, holden .t the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, ou Monilay,the iourteenth day of December, in the year one thousand elght hunrired and ninetïone. l'ren'nt, J. Wiu.xrd Babbitt, Jndge of Probate, in the matter of tiie ustate of Catherine Cieley , 'ieoeased. On reading and filing the petition duly verificd, ot' Alvxaiuler ' [lamilton, prftying that he may be llcensed to sell the Real Hítate whcreof said rteceased dled seized. Thereupon it is ordered. that Tuesday, the Uth day ef January ten o"clock In the forenoon, be as gncd fur tbc hearing of eaid petition and tbat the lw irs at lavr of said de jeased, and all other persons intereted in said estáte, are requi red to appear at a session of aaid Court, then to be bolden at the Probate Office. In the City of Ann Arbor, and show cau&, if any there be, why the prayer of thn pelitioner shonld not be granted. Anditis further ordered. that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested In said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by eausing a copy of this order to be publisbed in the Ann Arbok Heoister, a newspaper printed and eirctilaticg in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. .1. WILLARD BABBITT, Judge of Probate. [A true copj.] W. G. Doty, Probate Reeister. Childreri Oryfor Pitcher's Castoria. YOU CAN ÖET IT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st.
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Ann Arbor Register