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The Prince of Wales has the finest collection of tobáceo pipes in the world. It includes every varioty of p'pe frotn the humble cornriili to eleirnnily i'arved silver bowls. ? ■ Í i] Dr MILES v fn I RcsTsBATive leaviNí I f '.-11, i !'"SJ I ■ HEADACHE! Of all forms, Xciiralgia,Spasm8,Fita,Sleeplessness, Dullness, Dizziness, BlueB, Opium Ilabit, Drunkenness, etc, are cured by Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine,dlscovereu by the eminent Indiana Specialist in nervous diseases. It does not contain opiates or dangpious drugs. Fine book of great cures ainl trial bottles Free at druggists. Dr. Milos' Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. I KI AI. ItO I III FREE. Noldby EBEBBA'H A sn. Health ïs"Weaïthï - QRAIM "■trcatmht" Kk. K. C. Wfm's Nkeve si) Beain Theat HBNT.a fjUBrantccd ipecific fur Hysterla, Dizzinees, Couvalsiou, Fits, Nervous Neuialeia.Headachc, Kervous Prnstratit n cauMd by the use of alcohol or tobáceo, Wnkcfulness. Mentol Uepresiu'i Bofleniifg of ibe Bralu resnlllng in insauity and leailing to misery, decay and dealb, Premature Ol] Ate. Barreniics.s, Loss of Power In either sex, Involunlary Losses and SiH-rmatorrhoaa caond by nver-excrtiou of the Bialn. sclf-abuso or overludulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. Ï1.00 a box. orsix boxes for Í5.C0, 8tnt by mail prepaid on recept of pricc. WK GCABAHTKE SIX KOXKS To cure any case. WIth cach order rece i ved by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.( 0, we will send the purchaser our written gnarantee to refund llie moiicy lf tlje Ireatmeut not effect a cure. GuaraMees issued only by I In' r!:rll A Sin. l fll ji -.- i t and Sole Ageuts. Ann Arbor, Mich LEGALS. l'robnii' Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN,! 'uixrv OF Washtkxaw, f ■■ Atasesfiion of tbc Probate Court ior thu C'ounty jf Waslib naw, holden at the Probate Office in he í.'ity of Ann Arljor.on Monday,the fourteenth day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ulnetyonc. Prceeut, J. VVili.ard Babbitt, Judge of Probate, in the matter of the estáte of CatherineCilley, deceased. On reading and filinp the petitio duly verifled, of AltxanderW flaniilton, praying that he may be licensed to Bell the Real Estáte whcreof saíd deceased dled seized. Thereopon it is ordered. tliat Tuesday, the lith day of January ten o'clock In the foreiioon, be ass gncd for the hearing of sald petltion, nd that thelieirs at law of said dejeased, and all other pcrcoiiaínteroftted insaid estáte. are required to appear at a sessiou of sald Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. and show cause, if any there bc. why the prayer of the pelitioner should uot be grauted. And it Is further ordered. that said petitioner give notice to the pciBons inlerested In saldesate, of the iicndency of said petition, and the hearing thcreof, by causing a copy of tuis order to bepubllshed in the ANN Aebok Regi9TEe, a newspaperprinted and circulatiUR In eald county, tluee sueeessive troela prSTiona to sald day of hearing. J. WILLARI) BABBITT, Judge nf Probato. A true copy. Wm.Q. Doty, Probate Register. Real Eatnlc lor dale. STATE OF MICHIGAN,!,. CouNn OF Washtknaw. m In the matter of the estáte of Lorenzo Sawycr deceased Notice is hereby ven that in pursuance of au order granted to the underslgned AiUuinlstiator of the Kstate of said deceased by the Hou. Judge of Probate f'or the County of Washteunw on the thlrteenth day of November, A, D. 1891,tliprewill besold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Eost front door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor. In the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Monday. the twenty fiflh day of January. A. D, 181'.', at twelve o'clock noon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgageor othernisc exMlng al the time of the death of said deccas. d) the followlng described Keal BrtMe, to it: The west halfof the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the uorthwest qtiaiterof the northeast quarter of section one. the cast part of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section one (thirty acres). And the uorth side of the Southwest quarter of the norlheast quarter of section one (twenty two acres) all in the towuship of Pylvan, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Datel. November 89, 1891. ALMKRON P. SKINXKU, i" AdmlniBtrator. liHiucry Nolice. 8ÏAIE OF MICHIGAN, in the twenty-secoud Judical Circuit. Suit pending in the circuit Court for the Couniy of Washteuaw in Chancery. Julia QiiHckenboss, complainatit vs. Walter S. Quackenbosi, defondant. Upon duu proof by affidavits th'at Walter S. Qnackcnboss, defendant. In the abuve entitled cause pending in this court. resilles out of the Stale of Michigan and iu the State ol Knust' nnd on motion of Kanrlall & Corbin, solicitors for complainatit, it is ordered hat the said defendant do appear and answer the Jlll of complaint filed in the said eourt within four monthsaftcr the (late of this ordtr else the said billof complaint shall be taken as confessed, and further that this order be publlshed withlu twenty days from this date in the Ann Arbor Registek, a newspaper pubüslied In the said Couniy of Washtenaw and be published therein once In eaob week for six weeks In succession: Such publicatlon shall rot be necessary in case a copy of thii order be ierved on the derendant pcrsonally at least twenty days before the time faereln prescribed for nis appearance. Dated this 13th day of Novemljcr, ,V. D. IS K. 1). KIN'NE, Circuit Judge. Rasdau. i CoRBtK, Solicitora forComplalnant A truc "Copy" Attest: Aktiii'k Bbow.n. 87 TO THE FIRST Person sending díuqo aud P. O. wldnsss from soy octgbbor hood In lbo Uuíted SUU3B or Canada, who Is suffering with Catarrh, Dyspepsia. Salt Rheum, Scrolula, Rheumatism or General Debility, We - lil kc,A TBZ-fc _r_T wtiteout any abwlulrl} J_7 __,m_C_lJC_l r-rge, SIX -s,r BOTTLES OF ADAMUR GREEN PUNT SARSAPARILLA, The most perfect Bloot! mul StouiHi-h Medicine evi-r oompouodwl. It twDpflts every ur, an-1 cure when all otber f_!l. We Invite complícate! and leaperatc cases to advertt-U the cunitive powers of our medkluva. Deticrie your njoiptom, give name of Express ofRor. and addn-ss at onoe. ADASIK Ml COBPUfT, Batilo Ciwk, MWi. We send kun and valuadle aatniiki bf mail fre to XLL ■ulT. I ■ Iffll, il FM Q 1 fl N Q 0!i1 mm cl;iin13 UUliOIUll O A SPECIALTY. I Lost Discharges Quickly Dupücated. 18 Years EXAMiHER U. S, Pension Bureau" D. I.'WIURPHY. i P. O. Box S34-. Washington, D.C.


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