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Society News And Gossip

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MITOIEL-HOSACK. Thursday evening, Jan. 26th, Mr. Charles Mltchel, of Northfield and Miss Anna Hosack, of Ann Arbor, were married at the residence of tbe bride's father, 57 Broadway. Rev. Dr. Cobern officiating. The evening was a delightful one.the presente were numerous and the guests in a jolly frame of mind. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel they will return and expect to take charge of Prof. Steere's farm tlns su m nier. SOCIAL D0ING8. Mrs. Lmiis BIi.a lias been very ill this wek. T erw v'! hp a rectption at Dr. Nancr' i morro w eve ing. MÍH M ríe Dei-mmi, of Stockbridge, is v, Mih Lizzie Bowdish. John R. Miner returned last Friday from a flying trip to the South. Miss Flora Koeh entertained a party of 18 friends last Friday evening. Mrs Wetmore is visiting friends and relatives in Livingston Co. this week. Edward Duify is confinedto liis house by infiammatory rheumatism this week. Register of Deeds Hughes spent last Sunday visiting his mother in Detroit. Miss Myrtie Beeman, of Stoekbridee, is visiting Mrs. Lizzie Bowidish, of 67J E. Washington-st. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Van Tuyl, of Detroit, were the euests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Mills. Mrs. W. B. Phillips will return tomorrow from a three month's visit ainong friends in Carthage, N. Y. Whitney L. Watkins, of Manchester is visiting his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson of this city for a few days. President McLouth, of the Sonth Dakota Azricullnral College, spent Sunday with his brother-in-law, A. M. Doty. Miss Ida Brown and her young cousin, Bjnnip Brown, visited their unoïe. Mr. John Koch, last Friday and S.iturday. Mr. and Mrs. G W. Shirk and daughter, oi Crosswell, Mich , who have heen the gupsts of Dr. and Mrs. MacLachlan, retnrned home Saturday. The ladies' aid society of th Englisb Lutheran church will riv ■ social at Mrs..Fir-her's residenop. R7 E. U'iivrsity-ave, Friday evenmsr, .1 innary :.'7. Martin Scfaaller, fotmeriy with Geo. Wiihr, will spf-nd the next l o weks visifing fripnds In Ann Arhor, juut ilií'n gr to New York City to n ■ into hnsioess. Mr. and M-r. Jarnos 11. Baeh, M'. and Mrs. W W. Watts, Sa m Laoedorf and i nnmber of friends took a l-rh lidn (■■ Whitmore Lake . ono evenina last week. Unole Charley Ashby of Ni. 8 Unity Block ha yone back to bis farm in Tascóla Oounty. The inmates of the Block will miss hiR familiar train p upon the etairs. The class of '90 of the Univ. will be the atiesta of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger, Friday evening, May 12th, (frevhman banquet) at their residence and 'ademy. Mrs. Frank Kirk nee Mi sG ace Shadford left Sunday to join hei nusband in Akron, O., where they will attend the wedding of their sister, Miss Grace Kirk, of thit place. H. Walters, of the Essex, Ont. Free Press apent a few dayR with his brother, a Htndent in the Dental department recently. The Register enjoyed a social half hour with him. MrB. Mary E. Mason, formerly owner of ihe McCormick farm in Nurthfield ind who has been visiting in the county -ui" last N 'vember, left Tnesday for her home in Dakota. Mips Eberbach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otlmar EbHrbach of S. Fourth-ave. celebrated the twenty-flrst anniversary of hpr birlh last Monday. The Gesang Verein Lyra serenaded her. Rpv. and Mrs. A. J. Covill spent a short time in Ann Arbor last week on their way to Mr. Covill's new pastorate n Waterbury, Vt. Mrs. Covill may be hetter known to Ann Arbor people as Mi8 Anna Campbell. Janes Parclay, superintendent of th,e Sioux City Engine Co., and formerly a partner in a boiler and machine shop in Ann Arbor, has invented and recentnecured a patent on an automatic governor stop for Corlissengines. Prof. J. M. Schaeberle formerly of Ann Arbor, now of Lick Observatory, Cal., has sailed for Chili arcompanied by mnch expensive apparatus in order to take photographic observations on the Bun during ite total eclipse in South America next April 15. Mr. Granger gives his children's claeis a vieitor's day once a month. An aclinghost nd hostess are picked from the clans each Saturday. Master Clinton Milten and Miss Luella Moore will act in that capacity this time. All former pnpÜH and their friends are inyited. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Beal, of Deiter, were swooped down upon laat Friday by the same party with some emendations, whose evolutione at Boyden's inspired the reportorial pen in the laat Register. Tne beautiful prize won by O. M. Martin on the former occasion an article of wbich it has been eagaciooxly said that a whistle can not be manufactnred therefrom, was entirely eclipsed 1 f the midnight hued phenomenon curud off Junius E. Beal. Jun and Eli were chaperons.


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Ann Arbor Register