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l iiiK-cil Ihhs ui Granicer'14. A class in dancing for ladies and gentlemen will coinmence lessons at Grnger's Academy, 0 Maynard-st, Saturday evenicg al 8 oVlock. This clas8 will bc run cu the plan of the Tuesday evening t.'lass- all dances will be practical induiiing the latest fad, !he 'Two Step." Ladiea joioing the Saturday eveninjt clafa will be admitted to the afternoun clase and vice versa. A reduction is made lo forrner pupils of this seaeon, also for two or more from one faraily. This is Mrintly a school, all miibt be pupila. No hopsgiven. Granger's A:a(3emy is n;t a public hall. 51 The Register and the DetroitJournal for $2.50. The KEGit-TKR and the Michigan Fakmer for $1.36 Mamie Adama Waterbury, Vermont. WonderfuUnd True Totally Blind with Scrofulous Sore Eyes Ilood's Sarsaparilla Gave Back Her Stght, and Joy to Her Father's Heart. "Waterbury, Vt., Nov. 19, 1892. "C. I. Hood Si Co., Lowell, Mass. : "In April, 1889, my little girl Mamie, who was then 3 years oíd, commenced having ulcerated eyes, also had sores back of her ears. Her sight began to grow dim, and I feared she Might be Blind. I then llved in Jericho, Vt. In the early days of June I went with her to the Mary Fletcher hospital in Burlington, and there she was treated f our different times- a surgical operaUon each time, one of whieh left the scars now visible on the eye balls. She recovered from this treatment each time, a slight improvement for a few days, was soon one than ever. She could discern daylight from darkness, but oulil nat re la walk aeraos the room. " 1 next went to a large hospital In Hartford, Conn. At thls hospital no surgical operations were performed, but medicine was dropped Into her eyes and given her to take. She was at this hospital about ten weeks, continuallr jrow. ing warae, and when I took her in November Was Totally Blind. " I arrlved at my station In Jericho with the child, sad in spirit and ïmpoverlshed In pocket completelr dUcournged. On our way to the house from the station, we stopped at the store of Capt. McKinnan, who was an oíd sea captain, to warm ourselves. The captain had known the child before we went away. While we wer warming ourselves Mamie said: '"Papa, U's dark, where are you? I can't seo you. come to me.' " The captain's heart was touched, and with tears n his eyes he said: "'Charley, you go and pet a bottle of Hood's Sarsapariüa and givc it to her, and il lt don't helpher I wlll pay for it.' "That very afternoon I got Hood's Sarsaparilla, and commenced giving itto her according to directlons. The first benefleial result was a brightening of the eyes, which contlnued steadily improvlng until, under the treatment of Hood's Sarsaparllla, on the ninth day sho ■ild are lo piek up a pin on the Hoor without lts bemg polnted out to her, aud before the flrst bottle was all used Her Sight was Entlrely Restored. I keep Hood's Sarsaparilla In the house always, and when the child gets a little cold, lt her eyes appear lnflamed, a few doses settles IL I thank God flrst, Hood's Sarsaparllla second, Hood's Cures and Capt. McKinnan thlrd. Many of the flrsl families In Jericho can vouch for the facto given lbove. I am glad to give this testimonial of what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me, which i jood and lots of lt." Chas. A. Adams. C. L. Smith, C. M. Gkiffith, Witnesses to above signature. HOOD'8 PILL8 cure all Liver Hls, Biliouness, Jaundice, Indigestión, Sick Headavhe. THE BACK OF YOÜR HAIR-BRÜSH Would not have soaked loose and warp''il off i( yon had purchased one of our "Soli(l-H;icks," 50c to 82.00. CALKINS' .14 Sou rh Mtate ■.


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Ann Arbor Register