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!VOTi:s AND COHMF.NTS. Tammany leads the list of American turf winners for 1892 with $72,380 to his credit. Hood's Pilis cure constipation by restoring the peristaltic action of tne alimt ntarv canal. ïhey are the best family culhartic. It is reporteil that Mr. Ricuard Crocker is going to have a big racing stable next season. TÜTT'S PILLS adapted to old and young. The first horse that (rots a mile in two minutes w i 1 1 average forty-four feet a seconcR Btreet-car drivers and othera who are constant ly exposed to all kinds of weather, and camrot find time to lay by, should ever bear in mind thisplain fact that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures coughs and colds. It is unequslled. La Tosca, the best 3-year-old on the American turf last season, will race aain next season. Premature baldness may be prevented and the hair made to grow on heads already bald, bv the use of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewer. The state of Maine added forty-six new-comers to the charmed circle - the 2:30 list- during 1892. Mild, gentle, soothing and healing is Dr. Sage.s Catarrh Remedy. Cures the worst cases permanently. No experimenting. ItVOld Reliable." Twentyflve years of success. In Massachnsetts they are sure tbat if the 2-minute trotter ever does come it will be Kremlin or one of nis colts. The Fire Department in every city could not do better than to keep a dozen bottles of Salvation Oil at each station. It instantly relieves all burns, BcaUls and bruiees, and in a few days makes an effectual cure of the wound. 25ets. It is that Pierre Lorillard, Jr., will next season be associated in the ownership of the Eancocas stablo with nis fatnar. Ely's Cream Balm is especially adapted as a remedy for catarrh which is aggravated by alkaline dust and dry winUs.- W. A. Hover, Druggist, Denver. 2 The recent horse show at Madison square garden was a great financial suncees. It is estimated that over $100,000 was cleared. FITS- All fits siopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nei ve Éestorer. No fits after the flrst duy's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and $2.00 trial bottle free to fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch Street, Phila., Pa For sale by all druggistí-; cali on yours Io is said that Kitty Bayard, who got a trotting record of 2:12} on a half rnile track in 1892, will be out as pacer in 1895. My catarrh was very bad. For thirty years I have bfen troubled with it - have tried a íiutnber of remedies without relief'. A druggist advised Ely's Creom Balm. I have used only one bottle and I can say I feel like a new man. I make this voluntury statement that othera may know of the lï.ilin. - J. W. Mathewson, (Lawyer), Pawtucket, K. I. 2 A table of the winnings of Edward Corrigan's horses for 1892 shows that Lorilard of the western turf captured in excess of $70,000 in prize inoney. Thatold established cough remedy, Down's Elixir, still more than holds itB owii in the public estimation, despite tharp and active competition. it is a "home remedy," and in this locality needs no words of praise from us, bo weli and favorably known is it. It is the standard remedy for coughs, colds and all throat troubles, with greatnumbers of our people, and their continued use and unsolicited retommendation of it speaks volumes in its favor. - Burlington, Vt., Free Press, Jmuuiry G, 1882. Budd Doble is crediled with saying that he could have driven A. A. Bonner's 2-year-old trotter Tuny V to a record of 12:15 in 18U2 had it been desnable. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. Baron Hirsch's mare, La Fleche, won $126,990 during the season. Her victories included the One 'f housand, Oaks, 8t. Leger, Lancashire plate and Cambridgeshire. You've tried Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription have you and you're disappouned. The resulta are not iinraediate. And did you expect the disease of years to disappear in a week? Put a pinch of time in every dose. You would not cali the milk poor because the cream doesn't rise in an hour? If there's uo water in ït the cream is uure to rise. If there's a possible cure, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is sure to effect it, if given a fair trial. You get the one dollar it costs back again il it don't benefit or cure you. We wieh we could glve you the maker's conüdence. They show it by giving the ruoney back again in all cases not benefited, and ill you to know how few dollars are needed to keep up the refund. How are the mighty fallen ! BeDzon, best known to fame as the "Jubilee plunger," had a modest soverign on Miss Dollar when she won the Duke of York stakes, though it was at the tidy price of 100 to 1. Kipona Tabules banish pain. Kipans Tabules cure scrofula. Kipans Tabules cure dizziness. Kipans Tabules curo jaundico. Kipans Tabules curo jaundice. Uipuns Tabules curo dyspepsia. Kipans Tabules : for bad temper. Ripans Tabules : for sour stoniach. Kipans Tabules : standard remedy. Ripans Tabules : for liver troubles. Kipans Tabules are oí great valué. Kinperor AVilliam of Gennany has shown his appreeiation of the World's Fair and especially his respect for Director-Cent'ial Davts, by authorizing Herr Wermuth, his imperial World's Fair Commissioner, to present Col. Davis an elegantly bound work bearing on the discovery of America. The Germán ti Me is "Die Entdeckung Amerikas." This work was issued by the (coKraphical Society of Berlín in comnicnioration oí the 4OOth anniversary of the discovery of America. Toward tho publicatlon of the work Emperor William huslumself contributed a large viiiount of inoney.


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