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THE BEST jBlood Purífieri "i IN THE WORLD. V WHY SUFFER witiithatchronio V y dlsease? J)o you want to die;' b 4j plnir Bitters will curo you as it has P ■ thousands. Jl Why do you suffer Tvith that g !FOUL, OFFENSIVË BREATH? L You neod not if you use Sulphur M Bitters. They never fail to cure. E Operatives wlioareeloselyconfined W in the milis and workshops; clcrksuL who do not have sufficient exercise, V and all who aro confined lndoors, L should nse Sulphur Bitters. They jr will not then be SC WEAK AND SICKLyT Is your Breath impure. YourJK Stomach is out of order. Sulphur % Bitters is the best medicine to take. & Sulphur Bitters will build you up F and make you K& STRONQ AND HEALTHY. f At the dawn of womanhood, P phur Bitters should be used. & Spnil 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ort'avay & Co., 1 Uustüu, Maas., íor lcat medical woi-lipublished W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE nt'lrVp. Best Cali Siioe In the world f or the prloe. W. L. DouglaS BlioeaaroRoldeverwhero. Evetybody should wear them. Xt la a duty yon owe yoursolf to eet tho best valae lor your money . Bconomize In your lootwear by purohaaingW. L. DouglasShoeS.whloh represent the best value at, the prloes adf eitlBed abovs, 3S thouaands can testUy. Kf Take No Substituto. Lf BeFare of frand. None genuino without W. L. Couglas name and prlce 6t&inped üu büttom. Look íor lt wheu you buy. W. Li. Doulai, Brooktoü! Maas. Soldoï II. ü I.MIliil V .. 43 8. Main Kt. ZMSJHI' Entirely ihiANDÏÏAKEl A 8DRe IIJCURE GOSTIVENESS Biliousnoss, Dyspepsia, i Indigestión, Disoases of 7 the Kidneys,Torpid Liver t Rheumatism, Dizziness, f Sick Headache, Loss of 9 Appetite,Jaundice,Erup tions and Skin Diseases. m Frico 25'' P' tottls, Sold by all Snggliti. T CESEV, JüinSOS & LORD. Projis.. Burlini.nn, Vt. BRIGHT'S DISEASE AND OTHER DISORDERS OFTHE KIDNEYS CAN BE PERMAN ENTLY CURED BY USING DR. J, H. McLEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM. It is a safo and unfalllng remedy for all KIDNEY TROUBLES, LIVER DISORDERS AND FEMALE IRREGULARITIES. Prlce One Dollar Per Bottle. The Dr. J. H. McLcan Medicino Co., ST. LOUIS. MO.. THE NEXT MORNÏNG I FEEL BR1GHT AND NEW ANO MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Mj doctor saya lt acta gently on the toniach llver and fcitlnevK. and is a pleiuiant laxatlve. This '"!ySateea.irïïï,shSü3e(rni " "" 'r Ufl6 L ANE'S MEDICINE AlldrucKiBtflSell itataje. andl apackai-e If yo'i cannotget it, seiul vouraddrau forafreR sample I.nne' Kaniilr Medicine rem the bowrln ■ r remedien that do not in-l il i J jure the health or lcteifere uith one's buslneas oí pleasvirt. ït builds u) and improv 's tho tii'nt'ral liealth.clears the skin audbciiutitnsiLc complexión, Ko wnnkles or ílabbiixsa follow tías tivutinent, Kiidorsed by physk-iajiH and U-ading nock-ty ladies PATiENTS TRtATEO BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL Ifarralna. No Btaninff. 8nd 6 centa in sUmps for particular to SR. I. W. F. SitYÖER. M'VICXER-STIiEAUit CHICAD. 1LL


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