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E. F. Mills & Co.

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SPRING OPENING ! fil Z.ÏMUS&. r n I IJ A Y ■ ■--' ■ y ( i IV7I A I M TT i ii i un i i y J y I VI r 1 1 1 v_r I ■ JliÉffi THE NEW ORES MARCH 17,18 AND 2O. ' SSJIïpB n THF NF W Sil KS T iliéklEMÍ' ' ImkÍÍIC1 Include a large number of fiQe EuIllL llLll ÜILlXO I Wlií Hf lfÊ MHIfflmi copean Novelties ordinarily seen only Make a great and glittering display. ' mBH 8' -f' W i M IKiËiiilllllll l)atterns alid are not duplicated. So A.11 thatgleams and glimmers- moonV9JH B fMlW B!ÍÍBWBlfÍy ave the mecit of exclusiveness. beams on summer seas, golden rays MnHIK 4 '_ ■ k } {M WBMWÊml In addition to these Elegant Novelf 1 ' ! 1 - 1 ft ■ f WIIaUiM Rtt' --'■ ■& t wj j Wwjffi ïitillMViïl1! ties we are showing the finest line of 0 1 SUD8 1'1' fFU ' b v'r - find ''IffilH R' 1r? V%j ' KV9 W SSfflTOllijW Vl PlaÍD Colorsin a11 the Ilew weaves as their prototypes in the lustrous, shin]H KBjáJl'4 I ImBÍ" dPriGoXTnding folds that brighten and beautify ''f fijlH MgÉlfc.'k W M( AMn{ ing some very Special Values in 39c this section of the store. Plaids and jjMH i _ J5 ÖBHBSlB M and 50c Goods, worth 50c and 75c. Stripes, Changeables and Fancies, ''t'Muffiffl B? jj" BSill - 1 ' No such stock of Dress Goods has Figured and Plain, Cheap and ExV'uffllJil MP 3ÏSië?:Ê0ÊfB[têui yl - ifflff ff 'l ')'i been displayed to Ann Arbor people pensive, they are all on ourcounters. iyWQB 1 teS Á f fg'NYV ' ''lil beiore :lni1 we appreciate very highA large proporti n of the Fine Gow na iJwlVuM Hll J& t : %r l M+HmP' ly the patronage which lias enabled will be made up this year with Silk lí)miPffl8SIJ'-ÍJ-jr4'í:!'' us to continue our p'olicy of making Sleeves and you will want just the BrÊÏ'ÊfSt' "" our Dress Goods Dept., the best bej right thing f or this purpose and we 'jjSjiffijpBjgj m jy tween Detroit and Chicago. FOR EVENING WEAR'. QDDIMP ADADQ T WASH GOODS ! GARPETS AND GURTA1NS ! S 5ÏL. t, , ., ,. 2nd Fioor- Take Elevator. iornearly three score years the Our first season, so every Garment dainty fabrics of (Jotton have not The most Complete Stock in towu. Axminsters, Ioquettes, Body .g New Styligh and Desirable. been worn as they will be this coraand Tapestry Brussels, Velvets, Agras, Ingrains, Cotton Warp Goods, #c. ing season. Our stock will be found Immense assortment of Portieres, Silk Curtains, Lace Curtains, &c. '] ' ' „ ,. , , . . JclCKCtS Il'Olll 3?.o 111). to tully equal the occasion, and to Silkolenes, Draperies &c, in ncw patterns. excel every idea you may have enterWe cordially invite evervbodv iu Ann Arbor to visit our store durShirt Waists, Boys "Waists, Skirts tained of the beauty of those lovely ;ng tjiege j. "Opening Days," and do us the favor of inspecting our from latine to Slik, &c, &c. gods' fine Spring Stock. You will not be importuned to buy. 2O S. MAIN STREET. ANN ARBOR, MICH.


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