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TOLEDO n AnnarboK AND "Q J N NORTH MICHIGAN? T RAILWAY. Lj-%J ''áfHowrd & JbavcityP TIME TABLE. TAKING EFFECT SUNDAY, MAY 14th, 1393. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:15 A. M. n-Ab a. M. 12:15 p. M. 11:45 a. m. 4:15 P. M. 9:00 p. sr. Tratas run between Aun Arbor and Toledo only. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent, Ann Arboi W. H. BENNETT, G. P A .Toledo. FáíMÍMI CWEML " The Niágara Falls Eoutc." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOB. Going East. Golna Weet Mail , 4.25 p. m. 9.37 a. m Day Express 5.80 p. m. 8.27 a, m NorthShoreLimitedt 6.28 p. ra. 9.59 a. m j Chicago Bxpresst 2.19 p. o Chicago Night Ex. 9.05 p. m Pacifle Kxpresst 10.27 p. m :;. Y. & Lim. Ext 9.45 p. m. Nicgara Falls Ex.1 11.27 p. m. Detroit Express 5.38 a. m. Chicago Special 3.08 a. a Atlantic Expresst 8.05 a. m. Kal Accom. 10.40 &. m. 6.48p.n Daily exeept Sunday. Daily exeept Saturday + Daily. O. W. B.ÜGGLES H. W. HAYE8, G. P. & T. A. ChicaKO AK't. Ann Arhor. EREAT ROCK ISLAHD ROUTE BEST LINE TO THE WEST Supero Dining Car Serum I 1852 - 1892. A long a time as David reignei, so long has tin I Chicago, Kock lsland & Pacific Railway rao I trains westward froni Chicago. The Rock lsland is ioreruost Ín adopting aiiv I advantage calculated to improve speed and gi ve ■ that luxury, safety and comfort that popular ■ ronage demandp. lts equipment is thorougblv ■ complete with vestibuled traius, maguificent din ■ ing cars, sleepers and chair coaches, all the ui08t ■ elegant, and ot recently imp'oved patterns. i-ailhful and capable management and polite, ■ houest service frora employés are importeut items ■ They are a doublé duty- to the Company ami to I travelers- and it is sometirues a task difficult of I accomplishment. Passengere on this line I find little cause for com laint on that ground. The importance otthia Line can be bette! I derstood if a short lesson iu ceography be ■ cited. WhatisthegreatEastern termini of the Rock ■ Island Route?- Chicago. VVhat other sub-K I termini has it?- Peoría. To what important ■ polnts does it run trains to the Nortbwest?-St ■ Paul, and Mlnneapolis, Minnesota; and Water ■ town and Sioux Falls, Dakota. To what ■ ant Iowa and Nebraska point-s?- Des Moines, ■ Davenport, Iowa; Umuha and Lincoln, Nelraski. ■ Does it touch oiher Missouri River points?- V" I St. Joseph. Atchinson, Leavenworth and Kansas ■ City. Does it run Irains to the Foothills of the ■ Rocky Mountaios?- Yes; to Denver, Colorado ■ Springs and Pueblo, solid veslibuled from ■ go. Can important cities of Kansas be reaclie'l ■ by the Rock Island Koute?- Yes; its capital city ■ Topeka, and a full bundred otbers in all ■ üons in the State, and it is the only road rutnius ■ to and into the new lsndi opened for settlemei ■ in the Cheyeune and Arapahoe Reservation. Itwill thusbe seen that a line t&pping, as tbe ■ Rock Island does, such a varied territory. nx ■ much in that regard to commend it to travele' ■ as all connectionB are sure on the Rock Island, ■ and passengers can rely on a speedy journey, I overu bulk of the system through trains are run, ■ and it has become, and rightly too, the populu ■ Line. 1 A very popular train on the Chicago, Rock & ■ land Si Pacifle Raílway leaves Chicago, daily, "; I 10 p. m. It Is called "The Big Five.'ís oiilyoi" ■ day out, and passenger arrive at Denver, Pueblo ■ or Colorado Springs early the secrjd mornlng. The Rock Island has become a popular Color ■ ado Line, and the train above referred to is ■ bulea, and carries the Rock Islaud's excelle' ■ Diniiig Car Service. For full particulars as to tickets, maps. ratt'. ■ apply to any coupon ticket office in the Unit ■ States, Canada or Mexico, or address: JNO. SEBASTIAN, , I Gen'l. Tkt. & Pass. Agt., Chicago, 111. ■ E. ST. JOHN, üenl. Manager, Chicago, 111. CMuü Malo Transit Cel "C. & B. LINE." Remember that eommencini.' I openiug of navigation (May 1, 1893,)tl"s I com any will place in commission e' I clusively between CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO A Daily Line of the most Magrn iflcent ■ Side-Wheel Steel Steamerson the Creat Lakes. Steamers will leave either city every evenöi (Sundays iucluded) arriving at detlnatioi) ' ■ following moniing in time for business ana " ■ train connection . QUICK TIME. UNEXCELLED SERVICE. - I LOW RATES. I For full particular see later issues of 1" I paper, or addrexs T. F. NEWMAN, H.R. ROGERS. Gen'l Manager. Gen'l PasseDger I CLEVELAND, O.


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Ann Arbor Register