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The Ohio Chemical Co.

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READOUR TTTIT JT .$SL TRESPONSIBLE t TESTIMONIALS. MTMMJL , AGENTS WANTED. oV DOUBLÉ CHLORIDE OF-GOLD TABLETS JÍS? Will comp!ctely destroy the desire for TOBACCO in from 3 to 5 days. Perfectly harmless; cause no St& L O sickness, and may be givcn in a cup of tea or coffee without the kno'wledge of the patiënt, who will L „ sr voluntarily stop smoking or chewing in a few days. t V DRUNKENNESS and MORPHÍNE HÁBIT Tlit tftr . V vVXsy # tient,bytheuseofour SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD CURE TABLETS. g'i% fc%?A Duringtreatmcnt patients are allowed the free use of Liquor or Morphine until such linie iSfL C . ■ A few as they shall voluntarily give them up. sHL V . We send particulars and pamplilet of testimoniáis free and shall be criad to place fck W testimosufFerers from any of these habits in communication with jcrsons who nave been XB. # ninla frt--r-t curedby the use of our TABLETS. Vf, VV niaiS irOIU HlLL'S TABLETS are for sale by all FlRST-CL.iSsdruggists at $. CO _éB9lk. BBperSOlTSWho per package. flaAk HBk VÜdl 1 v If yourdruggist does not keep them, endose US$1.00 ad we will send Blk. Nftk iffik x9w return mail, a package of our Tablets. & V U T ed hv thp liqp nf Write your name and address plainly, and state whether Tablcts ik lWliM flill are for Tobacco, Morphine or Liquor Habit. TMML. f fci JUMO TiniTTt íáfevl KWLJhV Tnit Ome Chemical Co: We guarantek a cure and invite the most careful inves'ÜWS. fjfti TjiWi T Dkar Sir:- I have been using yonr tigation as to our responsibility and the merits of our VAWk HBEu j cure for tobáceo habit, and found ii wiiuld Tal. Iets. UUDk myy do wliat you claimcd for it. I u'. ttn cents DO NOT BE DECEIVED into purchasTBK fr. worth oi the strongest chewinj tobacro a day, ing anv of the various nostrums that are beine . IA k V and from one to nve cigars; or I u-ouid smok'e offiiredfor sale. Ask for HILL'S TABWW . from ten to forty pipes of tol acco. Have cheweci LETS and take noother. OiTn. . and sinoked for twenty-five yeais, and twopackayes Manufacturad onlv bv S&. Q k 01 your Tablcts cured me so I have ru liesiru for il. étÈtk. XBtfLL. B. M. JAYLORD, Lesüc, Midi .-x TUK Wk k.Bk. H. W HBk _ Dobbs Ferry, N'. Y. nilin fllirilinil nn w. W& B Thf. Onio Chemical Co: 0HI0 CHEMICAL CO., J a%P TSïiJïtziï 61. 63 ND65 OPERA BLOCK, Wk. flbk ■ft I was both a heavy moktr and chewer, they did the work in less than ..... ... A. . A.VH threu days. I am uirtil. Truly yours, LIMA, OHIO. H M MATIIEW JOIIXSON, P. O. Box 45. PARTICULAKS H. k L ,,. ,, - BL. Tnï orno Cremioai. Co: ' 'TTSECK'. ' ■■ PPCC k H B Gentlemen:- It give3 me pleasurcto speak a word of praise for vour Tablets rncEl1 k. F y so" wassfunRiy addicted to the use of liquor. and through alriend,'! was led to' .A LBk. t 'T vour Tablets. Ile was a heavy and constant drinker, but after using vour Tiblets áfe .1 Bfl outthree days he quit drinking, and will not tsuch liquor of any kind. Thave waitcd W" .9 kf four munths bcforc writiuifyuu, 10 order to knov tlie cure was permanent. H H iL. L Yours truly, ■TVk W V MRS. HELEN MORRBON. jA ' 9 TH Onro Obühioal Co, Cihoikkati, O. . .k ■ Gentlemen:- Your Tablcts haTe performed a miracle n roy case. I have uscd morphim-, hvpocler . mically, for si-ven years, aud have been curcd by the usc of two packages of your TableU and without k R H aay eflort on my part. V. L LOEGAY. k "" Address a,ll Oidor to (In writinc picase mention this paper.) 51, 53 and 55 Optra Black LIMA, OHIO.


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