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Alt. Vernon .■ -li) ion. The Mfc. Vernon Societv will meet in Ladies' Parlor, Harris Hall, 3 p. si. on Decoration Day, May 3Oth. All interested are cordially invited to be present. Mks. M. H. Walker, Secretary. For the SiiiimiiT. On fui'1 after May 15, our store will flnsñ at 7 o'olock every evening escept Satnrday. 62 Wm. Arnold, jeweler. OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Advertisements. sueh as To Rent. For iale, and Want, not excceding three Unes, can be Inserted three weeks for 25 centH. haatro. WASÏTF.n-Visitors at the World's Fair to stop at Pleasant Home, only 4 blotks from 7th ureet entrance. Ratea of rooms Ï2.0O when .wo oocnpy the r om 81.00 each. doublé hed room Ï.00 or 7ó ci'iiis for each person. For clrculsrs n appllcatisn apply to Martin G. Good. 1L,8 W. iarrison-it., ChlCHge, 111.. or D. F. chairar Aun Arbor, Mich. f,9tf HlfASiTKI- Ayming man who wishes tolearn I Shorthand and Typewriting and pay nis eniire tuition hy taking care oflawn thissummer . A good opportunity to the right person, If Drfer ed.wili eive a seholarship emitiinitthe hol .er io i full couriie in a first-class commercial colle e.for hls Work. Enquire at onoe at the School of Shortland 20 South Slate Et. Third fioor front. 65 WASTM- A glrl to do general housewcrk. App1yat43HS 12th St. 62 WA.N I'KB- Workby the dny. wa-shlng and hone cleanine. Tnquire E O..th1s ottlca. 62 WANTED- KalrNinvii: salary and expenses rom start: stpadT work; gnod chance for advancement. BROWN BROS. CO , Nurs rymen Chica;O,H1. 59 WAHI'KIi-a good giil to do housework and cook for a family of three. Apply at his office 4'tt ANTKU- Bedding and all kinds ol piain sewing. Over Sbeehan's Bookstore, third door to the right. 23if FOK SA 1,1. . IT'OR SAI.E- Window 8hade, carnets, couches f aud bedroom furniture etc. at 25 Lawrence-st. 63 17H AIJE-Houseand lot. Enqnire of &. A.DeFries, 47 4th-ave, cfr. William-gL 62 F OH S Bicycles, new aud soconrl handatSUte-st., Music Store No. 42, flrst floor. A Wilsey tf F o K KALK- The home of Mrs. Day on WasFtenaw-ave. The homi has 13 rooms and 11 cloets, ltis heated by farnace, has good cellar and plenty of water. There are 20 acres of land with a varlety of (jood fruit. Iuquire at Mr. Ferdon's on Wahteaw av. 6'2 IOB The bet oom collector booüs published by Wm. Von Bergen. If you are interestcd in old aud rare colns, thln Ie the book you want. 200 pages, Hundreds of illumratlons, tl.OO. Cali at the Register Office. 51tf F OH KALt. - Two carrlage horees. Euqulre at the Aun ArDor Englue and BoUer Works. H Hnnter. filtf m,1 HI,F.- No. 3 Wtllard-st., 2ud door trom C E. Unlversity ave. First blonk from campus. Faces souih. Nearly new. Modern con veulences . Inquireiiame tddres i{ Miss Oakley. 5Hf tR ÑALE 4K nlf.b - Fot a term of years f thepropertf No. 46 E. University-ave. In flret block from campus. 1 nqulre on premises of L, L. Janes. 51 tf ÏM pAi-K - üesirable lots at reasonable prices in Schairer and Kemp's addition to the city of Ann Arbor. ntuateil on corner Hill and Packard-sts, on street car line. For plat and further particulars cali on D. F. Schairer, 4Somh Main-st. S6IÍ 7itKM FO NA,- 120 Acres of Land.six P miles from city, or will exchange for city property. Epquire at No. 3 K, UherU-st. 31tf OOK Ml.K-Tiro Farms. Mre. North's iarm C new counly fann and Kverett farm In Salem iuwh. Audrew E. -Mayuard St , Ani, .. -ttf Avaluable farm.Tiiewell known farm of Ha hoj 8esslonon section two(2)Township 01 ixor u.ueui ui auout 220 acre ol land at the low price of 140 per acre. Anyone wishing a - plenum ..ui lo make a home of this ia a rare chance. Time will be given for two thirds of the purchase price paid ifrtesired. For furtber parliculars, cali on. or addrem E. Treadwell and Harriet L. Sessions, executorsof the late will of Hanson SesHioiis, dece&sed. Dated Ann Arhor.Mich., Deïl, 1892. 89tf MIK ilKII. FOK BENT- 5 acre pasture, well watered. ierms easy. C, R. Wilkinson, 5 Mill-it., Lower Town. 63 TO K.T- Wholeor part of house, tuiUbl e for roomerB and boarders. cor. Jeífereon and DiYUion-st. A. M. Clark. 47 División. 60tf 'po KKNI'-A new honse in fine location. L Kent Í20 per month. ApplytoA. SW. Hamilton. HamiHon Blork. 62 ft BKft 1'- House of 7 roums, aB. Mam-et. 62 FOx UKHI'-A small cottage on Baldwin ave., enquire of John Ferdon on Washtenaw; ave. 6l_ FOK K KAT- After July flrt, a Rood üoum on South Thayer-st.,near the campus especlally sultable for keeping boarders. Seven rooms basement. Rent reasonable. Enquire of S. A. M., Register Office. Mtf HINVKL.I.AMEOI. MOKKY to loan on good securlty. Inquireor addrcps A. D. Rkgisteb office. 60 1 Si t'O KM at i o i a to accommodation for _Lthe World's Fair cn be obtained by callingon D. F. Schairer. i S. Maintt. Low ratea. 51tf LOST, VIOLIN. Taken from the itore of the Ann Arbor Organ Co , between 10 r. M.. May 22 and 8 P. i . May 23. an old Amati Vlolin. light canary color, ívory pifffi w!th Albert patent robber tail pieee. Top of violin had been split and repalred by Aue üemeinderunder f I ose card in on lnide.Scroll had also been repalred on each lide. A liberal reward will be paid for its return to Lew H. Clement, SI 8. Main-nt, Ann Arbor. Mtf SPRING STYLES IN DRUGS ARE CAMPHOR GUM, MOTH BALLS, INSECT POWDER, POISON FLY PAPER, STICKY FLY PAPER, HELLEBORE and PARIS GREEN. We Have The Best- Always. CALKINS; :m South State St.


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Ann Arbor Register