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New York, June 8. - The weekly roiew oí trade says: "More dísueartening conditions have preailed during the last week, and those who saw he beginning of permanent recovery in the etter tone a week ago are disaplointed. The money markets have been oser, especially in thj interior, and manufacturing and trade are more retricted than before. Gold has gono out again n large amounts, exporta for the weeK being bout 116,000,000, and the treasury gold reserve as been drawn down U about Ï90,000,000. In early all departments of trade uncertftinty bout the future has a depressing influence, hich is now clearly perceived in decrease of ew business, and while most manufacturing oi'ks are yet employed on full orders as these un out the number of works closed increased. "General trade has already been cut into, oticeably in eastern and mldüle states. to a marked t-xtent in central, northwestern tmd western states, but to a more moderate extent outh. Interviews with several hundred irominent jobbers, manufacturers and banken it leadlng money center indícate a likeliood o( continued stringency and that eneral trade may be restricted still furïer. Opinions offered are not altogether ;loomy with respect to the outlook, but tho anks are calling loana in many directions nd in other ways strengthening reserves, and enerally refusing to extend or grant discounts to other than regular custemers. Eforta are making to protect certain Unes of rade, notably graln. Money lenders are af eoted by the prevalent sense of uncertainty n the finanoial world and do not regard the utlook as encouraging. An influence may be xertd as well by the wages contests in iron nd steel Industries at the west during the ummer. The tendency of prlees continúes ownward and includes wool, flnished iron, lides, silgar, hogs, wheat, corn and oats, lard nd cotton, nominal advances being reported in tobáceo and coaL At Chicago wheat is uoted an eighth below the lowest price for lirty years. Speculative markets have been lnking. Stocks are nearly 12 por share lower han a weck ago. Wheat has declined % cents, corn 2V4 cents and oats 1% cents, with moderate ransactions, few caring to buy wheat with normous stocks in sight, Lard and hogs are ower and cotton has declined a slxteenth, with moderate sales, though reoelpts are small. "Exporta of products still fall below last ear's in value, and there is much withdrawal of money loaned in this country on foreign account The fact that 15,000.000 of such loans mature within the next %veek leads to the exjeetation of further exports of gold. "Failures tlurinK the last week have been 238 n the United States, against 275 last year, and 1 in Canada, against 3'i last year; but two of he United States failures were for more than 1,000,000 each, four others were of flrms rated t over f200,00i each, and forty more of ilrms ated at over }5,0O0 each. Last week the total number of failures was 273. "


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