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Society News And Gossip

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Adams-brbakey. This eveninu occurs the wedding of Dr. Edward Douglas Adams, brother of Dr. H. C. Adams of the University faculty, and Miss May Stevens Breakey, only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Breakey of this city. The rnarriage Service wil be held in the First M. E. church and a reception will begiven afterwardsatthe residence of the bride's parents on Huron-st. Social Dolngs. J. H. Cutting is in Muskegon. Mr?. S. S. Miner, of Owosso, was in the city last week. Miss Jennie Sawyer, of Monroe, was in the city recently. Mrp. Chas A. Muma was visiting Flin friends last week. Miss Edith Skinner, of Adrián, is the guest of Miss Irland. Miss Dorm Potter, of Flint, is visit ine Ann Arbor friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sewions, and Frank Sessions are at. the World's Fair. Miss Alice Cramer will teach in the Ishpeming High School next year. A. E. Jennings and family left Monday night for Chicago via the lakes. MisBMamieOsborne.of Flint,isspending a few days with friends this city. Miss Scottpn, of Detroit, has been visiting Ann Arbor friends recently. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Bliss, of Jackson, have become citizens of Ann Ar bor. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Hill, of Detroit, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. E. F Mills. Mrf. Lena Knox, of Dundee spent a few days with Ann Arbor friends tbis week. Mrs. C. (i. Jennings, of Detroit.'is visiting her father, tbe Hon. Alpheus Felch. Mr. Wm. Baillee retnrned last week from a two week's visit with her relatives in Flint. Dr. S. H. Hartly leave shortly for a visit to Vier dmighter, Mrs. Kililea, of Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Rob't Cuthbert have gone fo California to live. They will locate in Los Angeles. Mrs. J. D. Stimsnn is expecting to leave for Lincoln, Xeb., next week, for a two month's visit. Mrs. Dr. Studley and her danghter. Mrs. Oray, were the fruests of Dr. and Mrs. Breakey last week. Lawrence T. CoIp, of New York, will spend the saramer with hisgrandfather, the Hon. Alpheus Felch. Mrs. Adah Godfrey, of Detroit, is expected shortly to visit friends in Ann Arbor, and then go on to Chicago. Mr. J. Tavlor is again athisworkof piving lessons, and does not propose to be enticed away frotn it in a hurry. A small framehouse on Traver-st, unoccupied, belonging to A. Frnehauf, was entirely destroyed by flre Monday night. Last Thursday Dr. Chas. S. Mack, of the Homeopathie faculty was married tf Miss Laura G. Test, at Washington D. C. Prof. M. L. D'Ooge is expected to corduct the communion services at the Webster Congregational church uext Sunday. Rpv. C. A. Young has gone to Arkansas for a three week's trip. Mrs. Young will accompany him as far atSt. Louis, to visit friends and relatives. The second social of the '96 lit class took place at Granger's Saturdav evening, about one hundred participating. Fine programme and good time. Mr. N. G. Butts expects to visit the World's Fair shortly in companv with his nephew, George Butts, of Jamestown, N. Y., who is now visiting him. Soro8is gave a reception last Saturday afternoon to her resident and associated members. These ladies are Mfsdames Angelí, Vaughan, Morris, de Pont, and Patterson. Miss Sally Brown, of Louisville, class of '90, lit, and who has been teaching most of the time since graduating at Colnmbia Institute, Tenn., is the guest of Judge and Mrs. Cheever. Last Friday evening the organÍ7aion once f imous in musical and social circle8 here under the title of the Amptuon Club were entertained byMrs. G. W. Patterson, jr., to meet Mrs. Chandler. One evening last week a party of friends snrprised Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rhodes of Broadway, to assist Mrs. Rhodes in the celebration of her birihday. They carried wherewith to have a feast. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger have as guests this week, Miss Susie and Mr. Willard Kingsbnry, of San Fancisco. Their mother, Jormerly Miss Delemater, a teacher in the Uaion school some thirty years ago, in this city, is Mrs. B. F. Granger's sister. The '96 Hts danced Saturday evening, with music by their Glee Club and other attractive side issues. The S. L. A. cup, won at the local field day was conspicuously diRplayed. Mrs. de Pont and Mrs. Knowlton were the chaj erones of the occasion. Alfred Henneqmn, Ph. D., of Detroit, will not spend the summer in Ann Arbor, as has formerly been his custom. Tl e World's Fair will claim him, he a: ■ nounce?, in the capacity of government commissioner of dramatic art. He will also manage a theatre ner the grounds. A number of Ann Arbor people assisted Mrs.Henry Kirchofer,of Mannl oster, to celébrate lier 50th birthday Tuesday. Mesdames Cbristian Mack, Fred Schmid, Sophie Hutzel, Sophie Sprinp, Fred Wuster, E. K. Fruehaufl", and the Misses Sophie Schmid and EmllieMann were present. Last year an abeurd tale was given c insiderable circulation to the effect that New York Sorosis had withdrawn the charter of the local college society of the same name. This year the rumor bas sprung up again. Nevertheless the locai Sorosis has undisturbed posses8'on of her charter just the same, and cmtinues to be a branch of the New York organiaation.


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