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Sixteen I. O. G. T. people went to Saliue Monday evening. Mr. Nichols had a small dog killed by the street cars one day last week. There is much petty thieving going on. Don't leave valuable things expofe'. __ It is a vast iinprovment to have tlie street cara paes on the gymnasium switch. _ The campus is being cleared and cleaned. Several trees have been removed. ____ Mr. Epp. Matteson, of Bowdish & Matteson, is on the list of sick peopls lliis week._ . The "ïower of Babel" wilt be the topic of the lecture in M. E. church next S.ibbath evenins:. Aid. Fillmore has been very ill this past week, and his life was despaired of Monday; but he rallied Bgain. Another bicycle, a Rambler, was stolen yesterday. The chain was clipped and the machine ridden away. Tho Chequamegon orchestra wül play at the Normal at Ypsilanti for all of the commencement affairs. There was a small flre in the Dental laboratory one morning last week. It was extinguished by the janitor. The new cement walk in front of the fireman's hall will be completed very shortly. It is a fine improvement. Tire I. O. G. T. will give a public entertainment inc'.uding a free eupper at their hall on State-st Saturday evening. The sensation of the hour ia the mngnificent Wagner concert given by the Choral Union )at wee.k. It was a mag. nifieent success. It is for every wheelman'a interest all over the country to aid in the search for lost wheete. He doesn't know how 600n his turn will coraé. The council did not adjourn until 11:30 last Monday evening. The families of the respective aldermen are hereby assured of this faet. Itev John Schweinfurth will preach in the Germán M. E. church for the next tWO Suadays during the absence of the pastor, Kev Cari Boeklin. The Dixboro ball team defeated the Saline high school nine Tuesday by a score of 10 to 12. The former will play the South Lyon nine to-morrow. Several Ann Arbor people attended the funeral of the Hon. C. S. Gregory in Dexter yesterday. Register Hughes and Representatie Ivüne were of the number. _ _ The ladies' Society of the Bethlehem Church meets this afternoon with Mrs. John Mnyer on VV. Second St. The Young Ladies' Society meets with Miss Sophie Schleicher on W ■ Liberty St, Go and see the Ann Arbor Savings Bank in ite new quartere. If there ia a handsomer bank in Michigan we do not know where it is. There is nothing outside Detroit to be compared with They say that the opponents of Dean Oüetz have given strong signs of giving up the contest. Dr. D. A. MacLachlan has sold his house, Dr. Wood will sell his, and Dr. Gatchell has bought a home n Chicago "Michigan Prospecta" will be the subect of Kev. A. S. Carman's morning discourse next Sunday. At the evening service he will epeak on "Public Honor and Priveate Disgrance" and Mr. Davis will sing a solo. Owing to an error in making up our etory became a trifie mixed last week. That part at the top of the last column should precede the part in the next left hand column. We begin chapter IX over again to keep the connection good. Yesterday and today a diocesan conconvention is in seasion in Detroit. The delegates from St. Andrews church are H. J. Brown, Dr. C. B. Nancrede, Prof. Geo. Patterson. The nates are Geo. Pond, E. Treadwell, and Mayor Thompson. The Saline Driving Association give a "matinee" at Mr. Helber's new half mile track, just south of the village, next Saturday. There is no charge for entering horses for the trots, and only a quarter for admission; ladies free. There will be four races; a 2:30, a 2:50, afour year oíd and a two year old. Half mile heats 3 in 5. Little three-year-old Harold does not always agree with his mother as to what kind of conduct is appropriate to a given situation. ."You must go to sleep dow, so you can go out with me after a while." "I don't want to." "But I want you to." "Well that's the dif ference between you and us." He slept just the same. A reception and entertainment consistino; of a musical and literary program in which the High School Banjo Club will particípate will be given by the Vespers Society of St. Andrew's Church in Harris Hall on Saturday evening at 7 :30. All the young people of the town and Univereity connected with St. Andrew's Church are invited to attend with their friends. Refreshments will be served after this entertainment. Admission 10 cents, The council declared last Monduy evening in favor of Mr. Clay Green's proposition for a city hall. He wil] build a handsome two story, stone front, brick edifice, north of the Arlington, with a fine, wide stairway leading to the secoDd floor where the office will be. There will be plenty of room, steam heat, electric lighting and fine vault-. Jas. A. Bordeaux, president of the U. of M. Democratie Club, either is endurne persecution or is overtaken by re'ribution, just wlrch not being settled vet. The Club lias iinpeached hitn, bringing in twelve distinct charges against him of bad faith, bad language and bad use of funds, whereby ÍS9 have mysteriously disappeared. He will stand trial Friday. He saye, "Lvy on MacDufi' and damned be he who first cries 'Holdl enough!' " On Detroít-st yesterday a smal! boy on a wheel becanie entangled het ween the wheels of a bttggy j ast as a car carne along, friphtening the horse. Ttie rig was staodipg before Rogers' place of business unhitched. A man seized the h irse by the heau and another in the carriage aided the boy; but everythir.g was convenient for a sad catastrophe for a minute. No one was hurt. The wheel was pushed so far under the buggy that the handle bars were thrust up through the bottom of it. It had to be turned over before the bicycle could be pulled loose again. Mr.AlbertBruce Joy invites us to visit him at "The Studio, Beaumont Road. beside the West Kensington Sta! ion, North End Road," London, Englanrï. Mr. Joy is an artist of the variety which should be called - we hope we g'et it nght- "buster." That is tosay hebusts eminent people in marble, bronze, dough, piaster, wax, - in fact all material8 used by artists, the full list miglit seem rather long for repetition. Several eminent Americana have been subjected to Mr. Joy's processe?. Mrs. Mary Anderson Novarro, A. Louden Snowden, once minister to Spain, and Chauncey M. Depew. We thank Mr. Joy for bis invitation and soineday will drop in on him when we have a few nioments tö spare.


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