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The Professionals Take Every Trick

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The name Students Lecture Associr. tion is novv the official title of a regulary incorporated society of the state of Michigan, and let no other organisation attempt to do business under said name. An account of the rumpus of two Saturdays ago appeared in our columns last week. During the week vague rumors of an approaching row were heard. The "lit" meeting was called at the rink and it was supposed that the "professionals" would try to prevent the meeting by force. It was learned that no recognition would be given by the authorities to two Lecture Associations, which meant that only one society in case of a split could have the use of University Hall. Several propositions looking toward compromiso were made but all were rejected. Last Friday evening the "professionals" issued a cali to "all students who participated in the regular election of the S. L. A. offlcers on June 3, 1893, and all others, irrespective of departments, who are in favor of fair play and honesty "requesting"them to stay away f rom the alleged S. L. A. meeting.announced to be held in the "gym" to-morrow, and attend a meeting at the opera house on Saturday, June 10, to take action on a plan to maintain our rights." Saturday morning both factions assembled, the one at the rink and the other at the opera house. The "lits" proceeded to elect a f uil complement of officers' while the wiley "professionals" got articles of incorporation drawn up with assistance of Mr. A. J. Sawyer, and dispatched Mr. Powers, their president in hot haste to file them in the office of the secretary of state at Lansing. Thus is a legal standing secured for the professional f action, and they hope to secure a recognition from the University authorities on that baisis. The directors of the new Corporation are: for one year.Mr. Denias, '95 lit, W. B. Harvey, '94 law; for two years, H.H. Lucas, '95 medie; L. G. Long, '94 lit; for three years, F. M. Wells; law quizmaster, and Mr. Felger, '95 lit.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register