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A New ('rlnlii Cure lor Piles. We do not íntend to índorse any except artieles of gennine merit; wetherefore, take pleasure in recomnien.ling to sufferers from Piles in any forrn, a prompt ani permanent cure. Tlie following letters speak for themselvew Mrs. Mary C. Tyler, of Heppner.Ore., writes: One pkg. of Pyramid Pile Cure fuitirely cured me of piles from which I have suffered for years, and I have never had the slightest return ofthem since. Mis. E. O'Brien, Koek Bluffn, Neb., says: ïhe pkg. of Pyramid Pile Cure entirely removed every trace of itching piles, I oaunot thank you enough for it. The Pyramid Pile Cure is a new, certa i n painless cure for every f orín o f piles. It ia safe, sure and cheap. Any druggÍBt will get it for you if you ask him. . Currier's European Hotel Chicago, (furmerly the St. Charles) has 150 newly fitted rooms. Central location. No advance during the Fair. It will pay to engage in advance. 81.00 per day. CuilKIER & JUDD, Proprietor-', 15 and 17 Clark Street, Chicago. 82 Town Kotk'f. The Aun Arbor Town Clerk will be at the conrt house on Saturday, June 24, for the nurpose of taking Woodchurks, Crows, Iliíwks "and Sparrows, from 2 tn 5 p. m. C. J. Wkdkmakn, Clerk. 05 AdvicO to tliO Aged. Aceb-ingrslnf!vmics, sachas s'.nee-isFi rowels, eak Uidneys and bJatllcr nut! toruid iivcr. Tuf s Pilis hovc a specif ie effect on tnese org nns, Mimnlu t ing the bowels, givinji nntural aisclinris witüout straiming ir griping, and IMP AETING YIGOE to the ki!neys, bladder and liver. Xücy to adaptcd to oUl or joiing. _SOLI EVEBYWUIiltK. 7U9& ñ M rKiW"nr.i-_i:u-n!ii..ifipi.w . iHaPls!?K..v MILK AND CREAM can be kept perfectly f rush andswe t flvatoseven daya WITHOUT USIXQ ICH. Simple, cheap, uníailing. oainple THE%VPRESERVALINE MFG. CO., Sole Mfrs.and Patentees, 10 iiar St, New York. ñ Chicheóte! tnailh mnmand Simt rENNWOYfit PILLS -K""V Orliclnul nnf nly Gfinnlne. A V tT safe, aïways r-linblo. ladies, Mk fi i CiM DruRElst for Chir.hester'a KnglUh Dia-JVS LfJKj&&Ss!Q mond Brand ïa Ked and Gold metallic rEy Zwíítioitea, Bi-aled with blue rihbon. Toko ff JfSk iii?'Jnoothfr. Kcfuatdangtroua V J - Af tion and imitatiims. At Druggi8ts,oremS4. I lf ia Klamp j for particular, tcstimonlali and M 'Kelief for I-odltB," inletfr, by return V I? MW. 10,000 Teatiiuor-lnh l ATameflr. N- - ƒ ChlohcaterChemiCttlCMud! jon Square, Bold by Ui LqguL Druajiat. tillad., ia. jSS HAiR BALSAM Ba Clcatiacs and bmutifiee the halr. HHHv flB Fromoica a luxuriaiit growth. M&ñS&ipg. mES Ncver Fails to Restore Gray PMiVyrf'aBKi H.iir to ita Youthful Color. pSip.'.-V-JBBfcJ Cures scalp diüpad & hair iulliiig. The ConsumptiveandFeetole andaiiwhc ■utTrrfromxhauatingdiReaietlioutd ueParker's Ginger Tonio. Itrur. Lung ]ebilityIiid:gtfition, ï'en)a Wklll, KJutinmUsin ud I'uin. 60c. & $1. HIHDERCORN?n. Thtonlï rarteuwftKConii. Slons all puin. MV ' " " - W1"V '" "' '"'í'síisU. I KEEP COOL inside, outside, and all the way through, by drinking - . HIRE5'gS Thisgreat Tem perance drink; ■-' I is a.s healthful, as it is plensant. Try ib


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