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Will Paris Banfield Be Elected

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■ alan from the third ward to succeed 'illmore? Possibly he ia too quick temperad to be an alderman. Fhb death of Alderman Fillmore ,- neccessitates a special election for al- derman in the tiird ward. That being Xhe uiethod for rilling such vacanciea , preöciibed Ly the charter. The Studentb' Lecture Association 3ome time ugo started in warmly to discover a fra ud, and punish eomeone for etealing a sum of money from them estimated at possibly $400. They cal led on everyone to aid them for their efforts and fctirred up considerable public sympathy ia their endeavorg. The ijuestion taany people are asking jnst now ia, What did they find? If they found nothing why do they not loudly proclaim the fact and quiet all suspiciong? If they did find something why do they not bring the offender to justice, or at least do something to free from suspicion those who were cleared by the investigation.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register