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In Memoriam

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The following action was taken by theCommon Council, at a meeting held on Monday evening last, in reference to the death of Aldermen Ariel H. Fillmore. We, the Common Council of the city of Ann Arbor assembled, having learned of the death of Alderman Fillmore, in the appreciation of his service to his ward and city are desiroĆ¼s of acknowledging his worth as an offlcer by placing on the records of the city the following resolution: I3e it Resolved, That in the death of Alderman A. H. Pillmore we lose a true friend, a genial associate and an able counsellor, and the city an official at his post ready for duty, discharging his official acts without fear or favor. In due respect to his memory and past service, it is ordered that his chair be properly draped for the period of tbirty days. Be it further Resolved, That individually as well as an official body we extend to the family of the deceased our heart-felt sympathy in this their hour of affliction. 13e it further Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon our records and a transcript thereirom be furnished the press of the city, and that the clerk be and is hereby instructed to present to the family of the deceased a true copv