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The 1 Washtenaw Real I Estáte I Exchange No. 1. On Ann-st., in third UoM f rom the Post Office: A f uil lot, a nífl ten-room, two story frame builiiiaj with stone foundation, concrete ctltaB large cistern, and city water, withH first-class barn, big enough for foifl horses. No. 2. On State-st., near N. UnivsH sity-ave. A nine room 1$ story framB cottage, in good condition, KooiiiB well arranged, 6 on ground floor, witfl pantries and closets. Fine cistern, fii cellar, city water in yard, gas, goo woodshed. Lot f uil sized. No. 3. On Lawreuce-st., near Stab st. Two story,14 room frame buildinj Stone and brick f oundations.con venias pantries and closets, large cistern, cit water in yard. Good woodshed. Fu lot. Xo. 4. Opposite Gymnasium on ! University-ave. A ten room.two sta house, fine condition, full sized lol Usual conveniences. No. 5. A farm. Excellent graa land, fine onion and celery land, somfl timber. 120 acres in southern part I county. A bargain. No. 6. At the corner of Lawrencfl and Thayer-sts. A two story bridfl house.and a nice cottage; both staniB ing on the same lot but facing differenfl streets. The property rents readiljB for $45 per month. Anyone havinM $500 can handle it. It is a rare ba gain. No. 7. Seven lots, three facinjH Packard-st., and four State-st., in bik W J. F. Lawrence addition. Bargains. I No. 8. A house, on Geddes-ave.witB a loteight rods deep and seven rod front. There is a lot of fruit and m barn. The house has stone founda tions, city water and is a nice confort able home. And it is way down cheap No. 9. The flrst house in the Ham ilton, Rose & Sheehan addition It can be purchased for a surprisingl) low figure. The house alone couli hardly be built for what the ownei will sell the whole place for. No. 10. Fine three story and basement residence at 46 E. üniversity-avt. A remarkably low price is placed ob this property. Description elsevvbere No. 11. A very attractive home a No. 3 Willard-st. New, handsome and convenient. Owner wishes to leavi the city and will sell very cheap. No. 12. A three story frame build ing. See description in another col umn. A fine investment. No. 13. An unfinished house on Di vision-st near Episcopal church. Thi owner will sell considerably belovv cost No. 14. On Thompson-st, betweei Jefferson and Madison, a new two story, nicely flnished, well planned, frame house, on a full sized lot. Own er lives away and is anxious to sell. No. 15. A lot on S. University-ave. No. 16. An acre lot out Statest neai Prof. Steere's farm. A fine school house location. The Exchange would be glad to confer with people desirous of excbanging Ann Arbor property for Detroit property, or Knoxville, Tenn., property. Offices: : REGISTER OFFICE. N. D. CoebiN. I S. A. MORAN. I No. 7. Main-st, J. W. BENNETT.1


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Ann Arbor Register