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Down willi the Records. If the horses will finish the speeding season as snccespf"lly as the steam engine has opened it this yearofgraoe 1893 will mark a guod many important smashings of the records. On land we nave a New York Central engine doing a rnile in 32 seconds, while on the Atlantic the new Cunarder has Burpassed all performances on the eastward pasease. The public appreciation of high speed grows keener year by year. Americans like sport, especially if the character of it is above reproach; and in the tests of engines, land and marine, tbey have no reason to worry over the chance of crooked work. Every time a record is broken the public is delighted. And there seems to be every promise that this year will bring a great deal of enjoyment of the kind to the residents of these United States.- Eailway Times and Financial Register. 73 To Jlfinbcr of the ( ui Union. There will be a meeting of the Choral Union on Tnesday evening, June 20, to take action on the work ofnext year, Au importHiit amendment to the bylaws is to b presented. All members are requested to be present. t)4 P. B. db Pont, Pree.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register