Latest County News
Wm. Rider 6pent Tuesday in Detroit. F. E. Stroup, of Lansing, was in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.VanBicklereturned from Chicago on Thnrsday. Next Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. Shannon will preach a special sermón to young men. Lophoms M. E. church gave Rev. Mr. Shiera donation at the parsonage Saturday evening. Very impressive Children's Day exercises were held in the Congregational church at Pebble's last Sabbath. Rev. J. A. Roberts, of Detroit, lectures in the west Salem M. E. church tonight. Subject, "Twice Around the World." About a dozen membera of Salem Lodfte, K. of P., drove to Northville on the Sabbath to particípate in the K. of P. memorial services. Mies Myrtie Goodykoontz gives an elocutionary entertainment in Pebble's church to-morrow (Friday) evening. She's a pupil of Prof. Trueblood. An entertainment under the auBpices of the Baptist church will be held in Haywood's hall to-morrow evening; proceeds to pay for painting the parsonage. A load of Maccabees drove over to South Lyons on Wednesday to hear Limtoti P. G. C. and other speakers. The Salem male quartette furnished inusic. WEBSTER :- At tbe World's Fair- Chlldren'n Day - The Benefit f Farmer's Clnbs. Mr. Gro68tic, of Howell, was here last week. School district No. 1 bolds a picnic Friday p. M. in the grove. Hon. Mr. Aitken, of Flint, Genesee Ce., and Mr. Moore, of Vermont, were guestsof Mr. Boy den last week. Arthur Alexander, who has been quite ill with erysipelas, has recovered and resumed his work in Ann Arbor. A dozen Ann Arbor studente eelected Mr. McCall's home and Saturday afternoon as most suitable for a picnic. The usual picnic weather prevailed and they all claimed to be satisfled witu the trip. Special Children's day services will be held at the Congregational church, Sunday morning, June 25. Great efforts are being made for its succese. A rehearsal will be held this Saturday eveningat the church. After attending the fair, Mr. and Mre. Warran Waldren, of Nebraska, and their two sons, came to Webster and stayed a few days with Mrs. Kenny, Mrs. Waldren's mother. They returned Sunday evening. The following have attended the World's Fair: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scadin, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kenny, Miss Ida Kenny, Mr. Dor Queal, Mr. and Mrs. Alsaver, and Mr. Delos Cranson. Dr. Holds says that it is well worth the time and money. The Farmer's Club met last Satnrday, June 10, at Air. BrockwayV Though the morning looked rainy many came to attend this last session betore vacacation. Friendly iutercourse was indulged in until President Boydeucalled to order. After the ueual routine of businees, Miss Clara Phelps favored the Club with an excellent select reading. Mr. Merrill then led in the discussion of the question, "Are farmers' organizatious beneficial? If so how inay we stimulate their growth ?" He auswered the first part in the affirniative. If due interest were shown, and active part taken by the menibern, great benefits certaiuly accrue to them. He said that be had b?en greatly helped by attending the Webster Club, a good farmer's organization. Mr. Wm. Ball said if everyone would do his part well, he should be greatly benefltted. He would develope in many ways. More than this, if all were faithful, the community at large would be greatly benefitted. Other merabers voiced thoughts that corroborated these statements ard spoke on the enjoyment that alwys attended the meetings. The question box showed the followine questions: 1. Whatisthe best method of planting an-i tending the corn erop? 2. The best way of planting potatoes ? 3. The best way to prepare ground for beans, and the quantity of seed per acre? Wm. Ball iiow read his able and instructive paper, containing much of interest for farmers. Mia.AN.- Ofllcers Elected- En Iti n:nliie Frlends.- May Celébrate. Mr. Dabenhorn hasreturned to Owos80. Hilan is talking of a 4th of July celebration. Trampa are numerous in Milan and vicinity. Mrs. M. Smith visited at Ann Arbor last week. The Milan cornet band played at Saline Fnday. Mr. Stoddard is entertaining his son from Toledo. Mrs. L. Harris, of Adrián, is visitins; Milan friends. Mrs. J. C. Harper haa returned from her Detioit visit. Mr. J. C. Rouse is vieiting his son at Albion this week. Mrs. L. Eldredge left Saturday enroute for the World's Fair. Mrs. Newcomb, of Calreton, isvisitirg at Mrs. Bernap's this week. Miss E. Knight, of Dundee, is visitin: her parents here for a few days. Children's Day was obeerved in an interesting manner at all the churchee. Mrs. Blinn.of Stony Creek, was the guest of Mrs. G. R. Williams Saturday. Mrs. 8. Heston and daughter, of St. Louis, Mo., are the guests of Mre. Coe and Bon. The Presbyterian Aid society held their tea social at Mrs. Merrie's Tnesday p. m. A lnrge number of citizens have greatly improved their houees with a new coat of paint. Grand prenarations are being made for the 8th commencement exercises of the Milan high school. Mrs. Miller and son, of Belleville was the guest of her sister, Mre. E. C HiDkley, Friday and Saturday. There will be a lawn fete at the resïdence of Mrs. Chae.BlackmersonMain street. Ice cream and cake will be fierved. Mrs. Larimer and family, of Topeka, Kausas, are spending the eummer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Worst near Milan. The junior league of the Presbyterian chnrch have elected the following officers: President, Stelle Ward; vice president, Chas, Merrie; secretary, Etta Shurlz; treasurer, Myrtle Vanderworker; organist, Stelle Ward. The Baptist laciies held their annual election of officers last Wednesday with the following results: President, MrR. J. G. Ronse; vice president, Mrs. F. Leonard; eecretary, Mrs. George Minster; treaeurer, Mrs. J. Blakerlie.
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Ann Arbor Register