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NOTES AU COMMENTS. Tbe number of languages spoken by mankind at present is estimated at 3 000. The Bible has been translated into 200 only, but these 2U0 are spoken by about two-thirds of the ivhole population of the globe. Talk is cheap, but when itsbacked up by a pledge of the hard cash of a financially responsible firm, or company, of ■world-wide reputation for fair and honorable dealing, it means business. Now, there are scores of sarsaparillas and other blood purifters, all cracked up to be the best. purest, most peculiar and wonderful.but bear in mind (for your own sake), there i only one nteed blood-purifier and remedy lor I torpid liver and diseases that come I frota fead blPP4i That önê- standing solitary and alone- sold on trial, is Dr. PiercesGolded Medical Discovery. Ifitdoesn't do good to Bkin, ecalp and BcrofulousdiseHses- and pulmona y consumption is only lung-scrofula- - jubt let ite makers know and get your money back. Talk'ë cheap, but to back a poor medicine, or a common be Belling it on trial, a "Golden Medical Diecovery" is sold, would bankrupt the largest fortune. Talk's cheap, but only "Uiscovery' is guaranteed. Lost children in Japan do not long remam astray. It is the cuBtom for parents to label their children with their addresses, so that in case they go astray any wayfarer may send them home. As the name indicates, Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer is a renewer of the hair, ineluding its growth health, youthful color, and beauty. I will pleaseyou. The custom is universally in Madric of closing one of the two outer doors o the house when a person dies. Thi door is kept closed for a novena, or a period of nine days. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. It is reported that a measure prohibïting wakes at funerals in England will be included in the omnibus bill of the Kovernment at the coming session of parlianaent. Pet dogs are being dyed so as to harmonize with the color of the ladies boudoir. They are dressed in tailor made clotbes. The. faehionable coloring for a sniall white poodle is two shades of violet. In view of what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for otherc, is it not reasonable to believw that, it will also be of benefit to you. The up-to-date kiss for young ladies, accordiug to a feminine authority, is to lav me left cheeks together and kisa out into vacancy.- Minneapoüs JouriihI. ChildreriCryfor Pitcher's Castoria. A curious printer's error is perpetrated in Luther's translatiou of the Bible, Job bting deecriued as a "perfect, bad man;" schlicht, uprilfht, diffenng by one letter sclilecht, bad, which is subBtituted íor it. This occurs up to 1S93. FIT- All fits stopped free bv Dr. Kline'sGreat Nerve Restorer. No üts after the first dt's use. Marvelous cures. Treati.e and Sl'.OO trial bottle free to fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch Street, Pliila., Pa For sale by all druggists; cali on youis Mrs. Daniel Limont and the princesa of Wales are two distinguished amateur photographers. Pree Bottle Dr Miles' Nervine at Drascists. Oet New and Startllng Facts at Uruggists. Heart DlBeaee cured. Dr. MUes' üew Cura. or Torpld Llver nee Dr. Sillos' Pilla. A resident of the vicinity of Bryn Mawr is modestly advertising hia propertv for sale under tlie description of "an exceedinglv handsorre gentleman's country place."- Philadelpuia Record. ChildrenCryfor Pitcher's Castoris. A doting mother in New York city wears in a ring, in a circle of diamonds, her rirst baby's tooth. When Baby was Blek, we para her Castoria. When she was .1 Child, lic cried for Castoria. When she becaine Miss, she clung to Castoria. ■When she had Children, she gave them Castork. A bad man digs a pit for others, and then shuts bis eyes and falis into it himself.


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