The Pjrriunid Pile Cure Is a new diseovery for the prompt, permanent cure of piles in every form. Kvery druggist has it. It Is SlriuiEThat people suffering from Piles will endure them for years or submit te dangerous, painful, crnel and expensive surgical operations, when all the time there is a painless, certain lasting cure, whiuh gives instant relief and costg but a trifle. It is called the Pyramid Pile Cure and can be foundat all drugBtores. Any druggist will get it for you if you ask them. mÊt pik'i Elemedy for Caurm is the ■ mi . i ' ■ i ■ ' ■ n feold by druggista or Bent by muil I I 50c. E. T. Hazeltloe, Wttrren, Pa.
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