.,■ mtaH ' GRANDE A savs it i? 2c vears since she maae su'ch goi i J bread as this. She says GlLLETT'S NIAGSC YEAST Is liketne yeastshe used to make herself, and she hopes she will never have to do without It nd we ail hope so, too. Cali '-" '-i your Grocer's. Itimalw. gooá e id alwaysreadj 893. SEASON. 1893. ICE. TER MONTH. 25 ib?, daily (except Sunday) . $2.50 25 lbs. 4 times a week .... 2.00 25 lbs. 3 times a week .... 1-75 25 lbs. 2 times a week .... 1-25 Special Rates to Hotels, Meat Markets and Restaurants. E, I HftNGSTERFER, TELEPHONE 19. Oflice, Firsl Door East of Main St., on Washington SI., Aun Arbor. ,
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