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I JAY C. TAYLOR, TENOR SOLO1ST AND TEACHER OF THE VOICE. Vocal Studio. 51 South Main St Ann Arbor, Mlch. f. c. scottT DEALEK IX KEELEY ISLAND AND WHITE LIIMIIE I IIXXEOAN BLO(K, Detroit-st. Ann Arbor, BARGAINS IN MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. As I am intending to make a change n my busiuess August 1, I wi.-li to close out my entire stock of GERMANTOWN YARNS, CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, EMBROIDERY SILK, MILLINERY, FLOWERS and RIBBONS. MISS MARY F. MILEY 20 E. Wnïn;hi-st.. AnnArbor. ET A TICKET OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 AND 6 BROADWAY And you are entitled to a choice of the HOME INSTRUCTOR, LIFE OF GEN. SHERMAN, OR THB LIFE OF P. T. BARNUM When Cash purchase to the amount of $15.00 has been made. The Home Instructor, Large Octavo, 47 pages, illustrated. A compendium of useful knowledge necessary for the practical uses of every day Ufe. A complete and perfect guide to Ufe in public and private. The ,11e and Iteeds ol en. W. T. Sherman, Crown Octavo,668 pages, illustrated A graphic narrative of his boyhood and early Ufe. education, career iu Florida and California military achievementa, lite as a citizen, last sickuef and death ; with fine steel portrait. The I.lfe of r. T. Barunm, The World Renowned Showman, Crown Octavo, 520 pages Ulustrated. His early life and stnigglts, bold ventures and brilliant success ; his wonderful career, his wit, genius nd eloquence, his life asa citizen, etc.- to which is added his famous book The Art of Money Gettlui LUMBER ! LUMBER! LUMBER ! If you contémplate building oall at FERDO2ST Luier Tari Corner Pourth a-id Depot Sts., and get our flauw s for all kinds oí LUMBEE We maïiufaoture our own Lumber and guarantee VERY LOW PRIOES. ♦-Rlve na a callunfi we win niake it to yuur i ntvrent . ns iir lnricr ul h ril irrntlrd stock fully snutain onr aster. Boa. JAMKS TOLBERT, Prop. T.M, KBXCH.Nnpt. HAMILTON'S Real Estáte AND Loan gency. No. 2 Hamilton Block, I'IIÍKT F I. OOK. Partles deRirin? to buy or sell Real Estale wilj nud it to thelr adrantage to cali on me. I represent ten First-Class Fire Insurance Cos. Ratee Low, Lossen Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. I alo issue LIFE INSURANCE P0L1CTES In the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co, One Huudred Lota in Hajailton P tlon for sale. Office Hodrs- 8 a. m. to J2 M., and 2 to 5 P. M. A. W. HAMII.TOBÍ. ■■IVASTOPPEO FREE Insane Persom Restored [ KBDr.KLINE bGKEAT ■■,"„■ NerveRestorer ■"(MSKirïi DISÜA5KS. Onlyturt .'M iNf AI.L1BLE lf taken ti dirtcKJ. HsFit?!,, M4rf V ' "'■ Tremse n J U Irlll bonlc tree to JH recelvad. Ssnd name, P. O. and czpreu address of H affiícud to Dh. KLINE.9,1 A rch St. .Philadelphi p." 5 Drugguu. SiKM ÓF IttlTATUiQ fÁaíDS.


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Ann Arbor Register