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The Owen Electric Belt And Appliance Co.

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A HOME MISSIONARY. ÊÊÊÊ HISEXPERIENCE WITH THE ,;h w Owen Electrio Belt. H WITH PROGRESSIVE IDEAS AND HIS DEV 8IRE TO ENLIQHTEN THE PUBLIC. 'W: jr The winter of 1884-35 was my first exKjT ■Sífesif perience with rheumatism. I was travelW' j.f-'.Ya 'D8 as a home missionary, and with great difficulty and suffering I reached my ap-■í '■ . -' '. pointments. It was located inmy hipsand . ij back. From that time to this year of Sj grace, 1891, I bavesuffered moreor less unnÊÉj der the grip of that disease. About three Wjfa: years later, liver complaint, and the caloI mei taken to cure it, fastened upon the rjS: walls and organs of my chest, a rheumatio aflection from which I was never wholly VpPP! f ree, and at times even a breath was a "■" . cruelty. Yet, in a general way, my health has been as good, perhaps better than the JOSEPH ADDISON HALLOCK (Octogenarian.) average of men. e Dunng the last days of the late year, I bought of Dr. Owen two of the Owen Electric Belts. One I have worn, the other a daughter bas worn. In either case the remedial has been satisfactory. The rheumatism of my chest and hips I can no longer find. A ümjted case of varicocele, of more than thirty years standing, af ter two weeks' use of the Belt, has diminished to a mere lump, and a few days later could not be found. A nasal catarrh of years had so affected the substance of the nose that a friend in jest twitted me of brandy. My nose is itself again, and other symptoms of nasal and tnroat catarrh are fast disappearing, carrying my deafness of seven years with them. I have studied electricity in its bearings upon mental and physico mental phenomena for fifty years, and have seen its wonders in these directions, and, thus prepared, my attention was easily turned to its efficiency in controlling the nerves, muscles and motions of the living, as galvanism does those of the recent dead. I have no wish to undervalue any appliance whioh carries a real electric current from a genuine battery to human nerves with a gentle, a genial forcé; but I do wish to do my utmost to disarm public fears as to the well-ordered Electric Belts. Joseph Addison Hallock (Octogenarian), JanuarySO. Cummings P. O., Chicago, 111. Persons making inuiries from writers of testimoniáis are requested to endose self-addressed, stamped envelope to ínsure a prompt reply. OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, Containing full information regarding the cure of Acute, Chronic and Nervous Diseases, sworn testimoniáis and portraits of people who have been cured, list of diseases, etc., in English, Swedish, Germán and Norwegian, will be mailed to any address upon receipt of six cents postage. MAIN OFFICE AND ONLY FACTORY, THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT BUILDING. 201-211 State Street, Chicago, III. The Largest Electric Belt Establishment In the World. WA MENTION THI8 PAPER. (1002-1.)


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