MC Bach & Roath The Old Reliable IY GQODS HOUSE ! Black Organdíes in Plaids and Stripes reduced in price to sell them all. Best Gotton ChaUies 5 ?L. Scotch and American Vress Ginghams reduced in price to close out while in season. French Challies, AU Wool, : at the lowest price ever named, 50 ets. per yard. m Silks. Black Surahs at 50, 60, 75, 80c and 1.00 per yard. Black China Silks at 50,60, 7 and 81.00 per yard. Printed India Surahs and China Silks, all gradea and prices. Changeable Taffeta Silk and Surahs all colors, the most popular goods in the market. White Dress Muslins, Swiss Mulls,Silk Mulls,India Linen, Organdíes, India Dimities, Nainsooks, and Plain and Striped India Deccas. All qualities and an attractive lot. Handsome line of plaid Nainsooks and Lattice Stripes at 10 ets. ayd. 50 doz. Ladies Black Silk Mitte at 25c per pair. Big Drive in Chiidren's School Umbrellas at 65 and 75c each. Fans in Palm, Japanese, Satine, Gauze and Feathers, just the article wanted. Evening Shades in Dress Goods, the finest line ever shown in the city. BACH 6 ROATH, 26 SOUTH MAIN-8T. á HOT WEATHER I CALLS FOR THE USE OF FINE SOAPS, PERFUMES 1 FACE POWDEKS, and a Good BATH SPONGE. The B. & 5 M. DRUG STORE has I them. FLY PAPER, PARIS GREEN, INSECT POWDERS, WHITE HELLEBORE. There is none Bettei' tlian their's. Remember the No. 46 S. STATE ST.
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