The City
E. C. Shields will be base ball captain next year. _____ The Maccabees attended St. Andrew's church in a body laBt Sunday. Mrs. S. M. Brown bought a fine new hammock and a thief had it within twentv-four hours. The subject of the Rev. J. M. Gelston's sermón for next Sunday night will be "Qrthojoxy." "Jonah and the Whale" will be the topic of the last lectureof the series at the M. E. Church next Sunday evenlng. Three hundred and sixty-three lawyers were added to Washtenaw County'8 already enormoua liat, last Saturday. Mr. Jacob Baesler, of Ann Arbor town.was buried last Sunday at the Germán cemetery, Rev. J. M. Gelston orficiatint!. Rev. J. T. Sun derland will ppeak nex Sunday morning at the Ilnitarian church on "The Gospel of June." No eveaing service. Naomi.the daughter ofRev.Cottman, of N. 73 N, Fourth-ave, died Monday, aged 10 and was buried from the colored M. E. church yesterday. There will be a faculty concert of the School of Music, Thureday evening, June 15; and the closing pupil's recital on Saturday June 17, at 2:30 p. m. Eleanor Inman, of Battle Creek, died June 6, aged 91 yeare. She was formerly of Lodi and Ana Arbor, and was buried at Lodi Thursday of last week. The eevere rain utorm last Saturday afternoon caught a large number of young ladies at the base ball game without wraps or rubbers. Many a dainty costume was ruined. Ironwood, Mich., is having an epidemie of typhoid fever. The city water supply being suspected a sample was recently submitted to Dr.Vaughan, who found no contamination however. Dr. J. N. Martin read a paper last Wednesday at Milwaukee before the American Medical Association on "Methods ofRemoving the Uterus for Fibroid Tumors with Report of Fourteen Cases." Snnday evening two motor men attempted that same oíd experiment that has failed so frequently on railroads of attempting to get their cars by each other on the same track. After smashing two headlights they gave it up. The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the M. E. cburch will hold a meeting to-morrow, Friday, afternoon at 3:30. Miss Bowers, a returned misBionary from África, will speak. Everyone.membersornot.iscordiallyinvited. The seventh annual meeting of the Michigan Music Teachers' Association wil be held in Hillsdale, June 28-30. Mrs. S. R. Mills of Ann Arbor is chairman of the program committee and has arranged for a fine meeting. Prof. Stanley will deliver an address. The musical recital of Mr. Julius V. Seyler's pupils in Detroit last week was declared by the Detroit papers to have been most artistic and satisfactory. One of nis pupils goes to South Bend to take charge of the piano departtnent of a conservatory of music at that place. An ice cream and strawberry festival will be held at the residence of John Bickus in Webster Wednesday eveniug, June 21st, for the benefit of the Maccabees of Delhi post, No. 65. Good speakers are expected to be present to deliver addresses. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The June Festival of St. Thomas church held last Monday evening at the opera house was a brilliant success. The house was packed to the ceiling. The two children's drills, "The Reign of the Roses," and the "Naval Cadets" were marvelously well done and evoked rapturously applause. The annual banquet of the High School Alumni Association will be held on Friday evening, June 23, in the high school hall. Toasts will be responded to, and music will be furnished by the Chequamegon Orchestra. All alumni and friends of the school are cordially invited to be present. The banquet begins at eight o'clock. Little Charlotte Walker lost her two kittens, James G. Blaine and Benjamin Harrison, and so she advertised for tliein by putting posters on the trees. A student brought Benjamin back with brand new ribbons, yellow and blue, on his neck; and two ladies brought Jim home from the groye on Forea ave. Moral ít pays to advertisé. The local fisherman has been going forth equipped with hope and a large basket and returning laden with a tired feeling and marvelous tales for sotne time past. Alderman Prettyman on hearing some of the said tales was seized by the spirit of emulation last Thursday evening and transported himself to North Lake via Chelsea. From the latter place he sent down sixty poundsof lake trout early Friday morning and he returned Friday evening bringing the remainder of his catch. A few friends were invited to enjoy a special diih of "Jambes de Orenonille' for Sunday dinner as one result of the trip. Mr. J. Erich Schmaal was asked to act as one of the judgesat an examination of pianists held in Detroit laat week at Whitney's, for the right to appear in the woman's building at the World's Fair. Mr. Schmaal was however unable to be present. At the examination of vocalista held at the same time Mr. Mills, of Ann Arbor, acted as one of the judgea. A suicide occured on Washtenaw-ave Monday morning. A fine fox pquirrel rushed out frantically and placed his head on the car-track just in time to have it crushedby an advancing motor. The cause of the rash deed is unknown, but it is suspected that the actions of the Sunday evening strollers up that nicely shaded street may have had something to do with H. The up street carshave resumed their old trick of standing under the ehadow of the Congregational church for ten or fifteen minutes while the down car comes in from the suburbs. The reaüon for tKis relapse from grace, lies in the alleged fact that during the change to the gymnasium switch there were about three trips less per day made and there was a'.so a falling off in fares of about fifty per day. A special closing rally of the Baptist young people will be held at the first Baptist church next Sunday evening at at 7.30, this being the last regular evening service before vacation. Brief addresses will be made by the president of the Baptist Young People's Union, Mr. E. E. Chandler and by the preaident-elect, Mr. A. H. Nettle. Prof. Spalding, who is to be absent next year in Europe, will speak, also. There will be special music for the occasion by Miss Elsa Liebig and others. The Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society of which the Hon.Alpheus Felch is president and G. H. Greene of Lansng, secretary held its ninteenth annual meeting in Lansing last week. Papers of especial interest to this locality were ead by Mr. L. D. Watkins of Mancheser on "Setüement and Natural History of Manchester and vicinity, by Mr. Wyllys C. Ransom, on "Pioneer Professors and Studente in the U. of M., 1841-1856, and by Ex-Gov. Austin Blair on the "Leaislature of 1846." The I. O. G. T. is getting restless and doesn't sleep much nighte at the present writing. Last Fnday night they went to Whitroore Lake, and Saturday ] evening they gave a social in their hall. Monday evening they hejd two socials, one section meeting with Miss Smith on Liberty-st, and the other with Mr, Johnson, on Twelfth-st. They held a literary contest in their hall Tuesday evening, and the winners are relieved of the necessity of planking down any dollars toward paying for the anpual picnic to be held shortly at Whitmore Laké. The School of Music meeting j day erening was an enthusiastic one. I 81,200 is subscribed, and the capital I stock is fixed at $25,000. The name j School of Music Building Assoeiation was the name adopte A for the corparation. Seven directors were elected, H. S. Dean, G. F. Allmendinger, A. L. I Noble, IC Seabolt, E. F. Mills, L. D. Wines and üttmar Eberbacb. This board afterward elected A. L. ïïoble president, M. Seabolt vice-president, and L. D. Wines secretary and treasurer. Another meeting will be held in Newberry Hall this evening. Prof. L. D. Wines and Ottmar Eberbach are a committee to secure plans for the new building. The electrical storm Saturday was more remarkable than the deluge of rain that feil in such a short time. The lightning engaged in remarkable evolutions up at the end of the Street car line. In Dr. Nichols house a ball of fire leaped from the telephone to the center of his library, there disappearing. He had been sent for to come home, and arrived to find a very sulphurous 8mell and a badly Bcared farnily. On starting for the city again jast as he stepped on the Street car a shock was feit which burned out the motor and made things look blue for a monipnt. telephones were ruined in that vicimty. In the cellar of Ir. E. H. Seott's residence several barrels of lime were unheaded with a craBh. __________
Old News
Ann Arbor Register