Real Estate Transfers
Real estaie trausfers for the week endine, August 12th, 1893, furnished weekly by the WashteAbstract Company, office of county cierk at court house, Ana Arbor, Míen : Richard B. Waterman to W. L. Armstron lots 1 and 2. Blk. 3, Korth Bange, 5 East' Anu ArborCity 812000 W. J, Randel to WiUard B. Smitn", 153 acres ouSection22, ADn Arbor 6000 J. V. Sheehon to Sarah J. Toop, íot and store on State st, Ann Arbor City 8000 Chas. Fuller to W. H. Ostrander, part of section 1, Augusta loo Spencer D. Lennon to james Boyle, 8. W. ' of lot 34 and N. E. of lot 35, Traver's add.. Ana Arbor Oity 275 L. H. Baker to Leonard Wanty. lots 6 and 8 lo blk. 7 Surm&l Pdrk add. Vpsilantl 220 M.Brenner to Henry Wolf, lot 1 sec. 1 Manchester 300 Julia Gilí to J. A. Muehlií, lot 17, blk 2 Ormsoy and Page's add. to Ann Arbor Oity 500 C. H. Keropf ia F. and A. Ilensing, lots 29 and 30, Chelsea 750 Joan Lawson to Chester Schmitt, Augusta 1610
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
Richard B. Waterman
W. L. Armstrong
W. J. Randel
Willard B. Smith
J. V. Sheehan
Sarah J. Toop
Charles Fuller
W. H. Ostrander
Spencer D. Lennon
James Boyle
L. H. Baker
Leonard Wanty
Michael Brenner
Henry Wolf
Julia Gall
J. A. Muehlig
Charles H. Kempf
F. Hensing
A. Hensing
John Lawson
Chester Schmitt