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WORLD'SFAIRACCOMMODATIONS You will save time and money by stopping aear the srounds, I offer clean, comfortable rooms at 75 cents to $i.00 per night per person close to 65th St. en;rance. Ño crowds, no fakes' no car fare. Send lor card. TJSBBACE HOVSE, So. 216 Woodlawn Terract, Cor. Stuney lula ml DR. C. SlODJOARl) SMITH. Proprietor. KIMBARK APARTMENT HOUSE ! 5479 KIMBARK AVE., Chicago, III. Nicely furniehed rooms, cool and pleasant, all modern conveniences. lo Minutes Walk to Exposition Entrance, 5Oc to 75c A DAY PER PERSON. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE MONEY! Having bougnt an Importers Entire Stock of Millinery (Joods at Half Price, I am now ready to sell them out at the Same Príce. This sale will continue for the neil Three Weeks. Hats Trimmed and Embroidered. Kibbons, Tip-Flowers and Laces, all at Half Price. Trimmed Hats sold from 75 cents upwaid. Untrimmed Hats from 10 cents upward. Please Attend This Sale and Save Money. MRS. A. OTTO, Cor. Fonrth Ave.: Washington Sta. Eemodeled and Refurnlshed. Centrally located Northwestern Depot two Blocks. Leading Theatrss within two Blocks, NEW BRIGGS HOUSE European Plan RATES: l.OO. 81. 5u aim ss.00 Per Day. V.Í1G11T' CHICAGO. Cor. Randolph St. & 5th Ave. A complete first-elass European Hotel with all modem iniprovements LEGALS. SherilPs .Sale. Notice is hereby given that, by vlrtue of a writ of fieri facias. issue-1 out of the Circuit Court fot the Couuty of Washteuaw, State of Mie higaü , in favor of John Ilanes agalnst the g lods. chattels, lands and tenements of Helen Maloy in said eouiny to medirected and delivered, I did on the 'Jtn day oí June, A D. 1893, levy upou and take all the right title and interest of the said Helen Maloy in and to tbe following describe d lands and teuernents. thatistosay: The south east quaiter of the south east quarter of sec. number twenty (20) in township number three (3) souih in range live (5) east and all situated and being in tbe coumy ot Washteaaw and Stateoi Michigan. Allofwhich 1 sJiall exposé tor sale at public auction or vendne to the highest bidder, t the south front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor in said Wiishtenaw County (that beii g the building in which the circuit court for said County of Washtenaw Is holden) on Friday, the 25th day of August, A. D. 1893, at the hjur of 2 o'clock in the afttinoon of said day. Dated July ]Oth, 1893. MICHAEL BRENNER, Sheriff of Washtenaw County, Michigan. T. A. BOGLE, Adornes-. M SlK-riil's Sale. Notice is hereby given that, by Tirtue of a writ oí tieri facías, issued out of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw,' State of Michigan, in favor of The Register Publisbiug Company, a Corporation organized and existin? uniier and by vittue of the laws of said state, a"ainst the goods, chattels, lands and tenements of John W. Keating in said couuty, to me aiit-cted and deliveied, I did on ihe lOth day of June A. D. 1893, levy upon and take all the nght title and interest of the said John W. Keating, in and to the following described lands and tenements situated in the County of Washtenaw, state of Michigan, that is to say: Lots thiee (3 four, (4) flve (5) and six (6) in Block number tw& (2) north of Huron-st, range thirteen (13) east acèordlug to the recorded plat of the eastern addition to the villiage (now city) of Ann Arbor. Also block two (2) north of Huronst.,in range thin en (13) east, according to the recorded plat of the eastern addition of the village (now city) of Ann Arb ir ir said county and state, except ave (5) separate pareéis of land iour Dy eight (4. rods sold to Thomas Clancy. John O'Mara, Wlliiam Bubbs, Michael and Ellen O'Mara, and Mary A.Keatlng the transfers and deeds to wnom of said flve (5) separate pareéis of land are of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in ana lor sa d County of Washtenaw. Also block two (2) north of Huron-st., range thirteen (13) east according to the recorded plat of the eaBtern addition to the village (now city) of Ann Arbor, except the land sold by E. W . Morgan, and wife to Michael and Ellen O'Mara, tbe deed convxj ing the same from the said Morgan ana wife to the said Michael and Ellen O'Mara being recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds ol Washtenaw Couoty.Mlchigan in libtr 69 of Deed on page 662 ; also except the land sold to Thomas Claucy whose deed thereto Is recorded in said office in liber 79 of Deeds on page 642; also except the land sold to John O'Mara whose deed theret is recorded in said office in liber 98 of deeds on page 1S7; also except the land sold to Wilnam lhibbs whose deed thereto is reeorded tn said office in liber 96 of deeds on page 547; also except a piece of land in the southeatl corner of said bloei beiug 66 feet wide east and west and lifeet north and south; also except land sold to the city of Ann Arbor for a street be ng the north one rod in width of said block. AH oi which I shall expose for sale at public auction or vendue to the highest bidder, at the south front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, lu said Washtenaw County, (that beiug tfle building in which the Circuit Court for said Couuty of Washienaw is holden) on Saturday. the 26th day of August, A. D. 1893, at the hour of 2 o'clock in Uu afternoon of aald day. Dated July lOth. 1893. MICHAEL BRENNER, Sheriff of Washtenaw County, MichT. A. B0GLE, Attorney. "_ Notice to Credltora. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) Coünty of Washtenaw f . Notice is hereby given, that by aa order of tne Probate Court for the County of Washien. made on the 30th day of June. A. D. 1893, six months from that date were allowed for crediton to pret,ent their claims against the estáte oí 8arah A. Owen. late of said County, deceasea. and that all creditors of said deceased are - re_ quired to present their claims to said PJoD-e Court, at the Probate Office, in the city of 4 Arbor, for examination and allowance.on or mfore the 30th day of December nex t, and that roen claims will be heard before sai4 Court, on the "■ day of September and on the 30th day ofDece mber next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ot eacu " "aDated! Ann Arbor. June SOth. A. D. 1893. 74 J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judge of Probate Keal state For Male. In the matter of the estáte of Mercy DeFore.-r deceased. „f ,. Notice is hereby given that in pursuanre i ■ order granted to the undeniignert tx"T' of theestnteofsaiddeceaseil by the Hon. JU"S of Probate for the County of Wafhtenaw, o 'r tweutyfifth day of July, A. D. 1898, tliere wiu ik sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, ai the dwelling houe on the premises below _aeeribed in the ciiy of Aun Arbor, in the counij oi Wasbtenaw, In said State, on Tuesdav tlii lan day of September, A. D. 1893, at ten o'clock, n tfie forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbranecs by mortgage or olherwise existing at tne time oi of thedeatn of said deceasud) the followiug as' eribed Real Estáte, to-wit: .,, Lot uumber one (1). in block number one ( in Hiscock's ."econd Addition to the City of A" Arbor. in the county of Washtenaw, State oMichigan Linüs Hiscock, Dated July 25 ,1893. Executor.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register