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V umi il 95.00 Excursión lo l'closkcr Traverse it.y and Frankfort. Thursday, AuguBt 31st, the Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway will run its annual excursión to Petoskey, Traverse City and Frankfort. Special train will lea've Ann Arbor at 11.40 a. m. Fare for round trip only S5.00. Tickets will be good for return on any regular train until Saturday, September 9th, inclusive. Baggage will be checked through to any station on the Grand Rapids and Indiana R'y., as well as to points on the Company'd line. This is a splendid opportunity to visit friends in Northern Michigan or to spend your vacation among its famous resorts. For information, apply to T. A. A. & N. M. agents or, W. H. Bennett, G. P. A. OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Advertisements, Buch as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three linee, can be Insorted three weeks for 25 cent. WAKTEl). ANTEW-Visitors at the World's Fair to stop at Pleasant Home. Special rates during August, 50 and 75c per day. Only 4 blo.-ks from entrance. For further particulars writeM. G. Good, 68 ;1 Madison Ave., Chicago, 111.. or enquire of D. F. Schairer. 4 South Main Street, AnnArbor, Mica. - tf Woman medical student at the Universily wants som thing tidúinexchange for boari during the college term. Addrets E, Ann Arbor Register Office, 075 WANTEII-A competent womau as nurse Apply 17 Church-st. 73 WA.tlEU - Plain sewing and clnldrens clothes. Miss Minnie Helle, 16 N.Thaypr-st. 69tf WAlMï'ED - Lady cauvasbers to sell the fainous"Queen lBabella"forthe Complexion. Cali on oraddress Mrs S.H.Gray, 39 S. División St. W ANTK- Bedding and all kinds of piain sewing. Over Sheehan's Bookstore, third door to the rlght. 23tf W AN TEI- Visilors at tne World's Fair to stop at Pleafant House. Rates reduced during July and August to SO ets. and 7E. ets. per day. 8 minutes walk from entrance. Enquire of D. F. Schairer. 4 Soutn Main St. 69tf FOK HAIiE. FOR SAI, E- Household goods and furniture at42S.4th-st. 75 FOR SALF-A girl's Safety Bicycle. In use seven weeks. Ball bearings, cushion tires. Enquire 124 W. Huron-st. 75 tfOR KALE t'H KAP- a good doublé busgy. Enquite at Cook's Feed Barn, 5 Ashley-st., Ann Arbor. 75_ OK SAtE-A well bied 5 year old b&y mare 'weightlOOO. Enquire at 20 N. 8tate-st. 73 OK SALE- A fine Welsh combination folding bed, little used, in perfect repair. Enquire at6S S. División -st. ' 73 L'ÜK SAI, e- A flrst class snare drum, of Lyon r & Healey make. For particulars, cali on or address: G. A.Crawford, Kbgistkr Office. BOU I' a dozen odd bieycles at less than xA-wholesale prices at Brown's drug store. 67tf O NE-HALF doz baby cabs, new and secoad hand, for sale cheap. J. S. Mann, Whitmore Lake road. 74 K SAIK CAKAP- A good Hali's Safe. Inquire at Brown's Drug Store. 67tf t7K'SAL,E ÖkltEliT- Houieaud lots s.w. corner of State and llill st., also vacant lot. 66tf TIOB SALE- The best coin" boots Jj published by Wm. Von Bergen. If you are interestedin old and rare coins, thia is the book you want. 200 pages,. Hundreds of illustratlons, 81.00., ■ Cali at the Register Office. 51tf T71OK NALr; - Desirable lots at reasonable Jj prices in Schairer and Kemp's addition to the city of Ann Arbor, fcituated on corner Hill aud Packard-sts, on street car line. -For plat and further particulars cali on D. F. Schairer, 4 South Main-st. 35tf IaKM FOK MAIjE- 120 Acres oi' Land, six X1 miles trom city, or willexehange for city property. Enquire at No. 3 E. 'Liberty-st. 31tf J7ARM FOK SAI, E:- The Bullock or Everett J? farm, 3 miles west of Salem station and 11 railes from Ann Arbor, containiDg 109 acres, house and barms, stock and well water in abundance, timber; school and church withiu a mile; land naturally the best; all seeded down. Price and terms reasonable. ('all on or addres: Andrew E. Gibson,30 Maynard-st., Ann Arbor, Mich.,70tf TTOR Avaluable farm.Thewell known r farm of Hanson Sessionon section two(2)Township oi rionnneia ot aDout 220 acres of land at the low price of 840 per acre. Anyone wishing a fplenaia.'í-nt; make a home of this is a rare chance. Time will be given for two thirdB of the purchase price paid ifdesired. For further particulars, cali on, or address E. Treadwell and Harriet L, Sessions, executors of the late will of Hanson Sesaions, deceased. Dated Ann Arbor ,Mich. , Dec. 211892. 39tf HK BENT. rpo RENT- A house of twelve rooms on N. Jl Thayer-st. For partieulats enquire at No. 16 8. State-st. 75_ OCSK TU KENT OK FOR SALE- Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessions, real estáte agent 5N. MainSt. or at residence 36 E. William St., Ann Arbor. 67tf nO KEÑ r- Good pasture, 30 acres, adjuiiüng X the river. 50 to iï ets. per week for horses and cows. Apply to J. S. Mann, Wnitmore Lake Road. 74 IflOK KENT- Fine rüi2ottage in Hamilton 1 Park. Party renünfe can have work. Apply toA.W. Hamilton 974 LOST, VIOLIN. Taken from the store of the Ann Arbor Organ Oo., between 10 p. m.. May 22 aod 8 p. m., May 3, an old Amfiti Violin, light canary color,, ivory pegs with Albert patent rubber tail piece. Top of violin had been split and repaired by Alig Gemeinderiunder wï ose card Is on inside.Scroll had also been repaired on each side. A, liberal reward will bepaid for its return to Lew H, Clemïnt, 51 S. Main-st, Ann Arbor. Jtf ; BEHER i I j TIMES i l I 1 Are coming for us. We liave teen 1 i side-dowu for some weeks. But wc i ■ i i i shall be ready for the fall trade with I i the most elegaut drugstore in the city, ' CALKINS' PHARMACY.


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Ann Arbor Register