School Election
The school election called out a arger vote than usual this year. The nearly one hundred Iadie3 who vokd account somewhat for the increase. There were two tickets in the field. One was made up of the names of L. Tiruner, J. T. Jacobs and W. B. Smith. The other was the same except in place of Mr. Jacobs' name that of Mrs. Prof. Perry was substituted. The votiug'had not proceeded far when Mr?. Perry withdrew her name and that of Mrs. Olivia B. Hall was substituted. The result of the vote was as follows: L. Gruner, 407; W. B. Smith, 399; J. T. Jacobs, 314; Mrs. Perry, 40, and Mrs. Olivia B. Hall, 26. The annual meeting he'd after the polls closed was very slimly attended Evidently the people have great faith in the Board of Education. The few present at the meeting voted thousands of dollars for school purposes for the next year with unusual unammity. Twenty-aine thousand two hundred and fifty dollars were voted as salaries for teachers and other current expenses. One hundred dollars were voted for the library. The question of the naming of the various school buildings came up. The committe had asked and had been given more time so that no report could be made.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register