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TEXT OF THE TRRATY. Washington, March 26.- The fol"ovrng is a copy of the creaty which aa been negotiated vith China. It was sent to the Senate March 19, with a simpla note of transmission, saying it iad beeu concluded at Washington , March 17. It is acconipanied by nothlagin the way of communication from Secretary Gresham. The treaty is as iollowK Whereas, On the lTth day of Novem:!■, A. D. 1880. and of Kwanghaii the rtxth year. the tenth moon, fifteenth day, a ■treat? was ooncluded between the United States anü China for the purpose of regulating, üoJting or suspending the coming of Chinese aïiorers to and their residence in the United Statee; and, , Wnersas, The government of China, in view rfthe antagonism and much deprecated and serieus disorders to which the presence ot Ohlnese laborera has given riso in certain parts t the United States, desires to prohlbit the mlgration oí such laborers from China to the ■Jnlted States; and Whereas, The two countrles are desinous ol ïdopting reoiprocal measures for the better BTOtection of the citizens or subjects of each ltitn the Jurisdiction of the other; now, Aerefore, the president of the Unued States aas appointed Walter Q. Uresham, secretary of tate as hls plenipotentiary and his imperial ja)est7, the emperorof China, has appointed Yang Yu, offlcer of the socond rank, subdirtLtcr of the court of saorincial worship and oToyeitraordinary and minister plenipotendry" and the said plenipoten tiaries having exSdbited their full powers, found to be in due iorm and good form, have agreed upon the folowing aiticles: -Kt luim iirrütioii In Ten Years. The high. contracting parlies agree that for & oeriod Oí ' ■ years, beginning with the date of chance of ratiUcation of this convention, the anlng exoept uuder conditions hereinafler peciüed, of Chinese laborera shall be absolutclf proMbited. Art 2. The precedlng articles shall not ap■ply to the return to the United States of any ■agistered Chinese laborer who has a lavtful ïiie, chüd or parent in the United States or srooertY therein of the valued or (1,000 or '-obt3 oMlke amount due him and pending setent. The Riebt to KetarD. And such right of return to the United States ihdll be exercised wlthin one year from the lteof leaving the United States, but such right of return to the United States may be 5tended tor an additional period, not to exeed one year, in cases where, by reafon oí sickness or other cause of disaiílity bsyond his control, such Chinese "tóorer shall be rendered unable sooner ja return, which facts shall be f ully reported to ha Chinese consul ai the port of departure, and j him certlfled to the satisfaction of the collietor ol the port at which such Chinese subject aball land In the United States, and no such Chinese laborer shall be permitted to enter the United States by land or sea without producing to the proper offlcers of the customs the return 'ertiflcate hereln requlred. Sxent Knjoyments Not Affected. Art 3. The provlstons of thls convention riiall not affect the rtght at present enjoyed of JWnese subjeots belng officials, teachers, stulenta, merchants or travelera for curiosity or ptea8ure, but not laborers, of coming to the 'jnlted Sutes and residing thereln. Art 4. In pursuance of article 8 of the immlgration treaty between the United States and China, signed at Pekin on the i'th day of 'Sovember. 1880, lt is hereby understooa and sgréed that Chinese laborers, or Chinese of any otter class, etther permanently or teraporarlly rssiding In the United Suites, shall have for '.he protection of their persons and property H rights that are given by the laws of the 'Jnlted States to eitizens of the most favnred laüon, excepllng the right to become naturalccd cillzens. Wlll Not Object. Art 5. The government of the United States lavinü by act of congress approved May 1, ÏWK, i amended by act approved May 5, 1893, reiired all Chinese laborers lawfully within the ilmSts of the United States by the flrst named at to be registeced as in sairt acts provided, Uh a view to affording them better orotectlon 3i Chinese government will not object to the üQforcement of such acts, and, reciprocally, ihe government of the United States recoglized the rightof the governnient of China to enact and enforce similar laws or regulatious tor the reglstratlon, tree of charge, of laborers, jkUled or unskilled (not merchante as deflned I said acts of congress), citizens of the United ïtatos In China. Id Forcé for Ten TeRr. 4rt fl. Tüs convention shall remain in force '■ period of ten years, beginning wlth the latO oí the exchange of the ratifica tions, and if ix montbs before the expiration of the sald jrlod of ten years, nelther government shall 'o-mally have glvon notice of lts termination to iit other, it shall remain in full force for anther Uke period of ten years. Signud in duplícate this 17th day of March, ■a the signatures of Walter Q. Gresham, sectary of state, and of Yang Yu, Chinese miu'ilfir, fol'.owlnt


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