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Mra. John Wolfe Zaleski, Ohio. Agonizing Pains Scrofula and Salt Rheum Cause Much Misery Hood's Sarsaparilla a Codsend to A Whole Family. ' C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " Gentlemen- My mother-in-law, Mrs. EIlzabeth Wolfe, at the age of 72years, was attacked with a violent form of salt rheum; it spread all ver her body, and her hands and limbs were dreadful to look at. At the same time, my little aughter Clara, who was just one year old, was ttacked by a similar disease, like scrofula. It ppeared in the form of large sores under each ide of her neck; had the attendance of the amily physician and other doctors for a long ime, but seemed to grow worse. A little book ell into my hands, In whlch were numerous tesïmonials from pcople who had been Cured of Scrofula y Hood's Sarsaparilla. As soon as we gave lood's Sarsaparilla to Clara, she began to get etter, and before the first bottie was gone, the ores entirely healed up and there has never Hood'ssïCures een any slgn of the disease slnce. She Is a ealthy, robust child. lier grandmother took lood's Sarsaparilla at the same time, and the salt rheum decreased in its violence and A Perfect Cure was soon effected. It took about three months or her cure, and she ascribes her good health nd strength at lier advanced age to Hood's Saraparilla. It has certainly been a Godsend to ïyfamily." Mus. Sophia Wolfe, Zaleski, O. Hood's Pilis cure uil liver Hls, constipation, iliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, indigestión.


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Ann Arbor Register