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Concert of the Ann Arbor Banjo and Guitar Clubs tonight. Promenades are again becoming popular on the boulevard. Parents should not neglect to send their little ones to school. Tustice Pond sent Wiltiam Tillman, ■ colored, to jail for being drunk. Geo. Wahr will furnish the suits for the High School Athletic Association. The cold weather has undoubtedly nipped the poaeh buds in this locality. The firm name of Overbeck & Staebler has been changed to Staebler & Co. The Ann Arbor Gas Co. is putting in new pipo at the Michigan Central station. Proprietors of peach orchards in this Ticinity say that the peach erop will be Jight. Cari Stierlo complains that thieves tole a number of his ehickens last week. The Women's Michigan Press association will be held in this city, June 5, 6 and 7. Miss H. M. Henley, of this city, was arried in Chicago last week to F. D. enny. The spring term of the paroehial chool of the Zion church will begin pril 2. The Manchester Enterprise says females are stars of the first magnitude. orrect. The Columbian Club (eolored) will ive its great cake walk next Thursday vening. No collection was taken up at the ongregational church last Sunday morning. Rev. Gelston held an Easter service t the Homoeopathic hospital Sunday ftei'noon. Germán Club No. 1, will meet at [iss Bessie Dunster's, 23 S. Divisiont, this evening. Joe Staebler and John Schmid hipped a large number of sheep to Buffalo last week. Rev. H. ( 'hurchill. of Napoleon, conucted the buiïal services of Mrs. Geo. iead several days ago. The M. C. R. R. has donated several ars of gravel to the city. It will be sed for graveling Depot-st. .1. .1. Ferguson has a contract for building a ten-room house for Mrs. athrop at No. 42 E. Ann-st. There will be a pupils' concert, Iarch 29, at eight o'clock, at Frieze Iemorial Hall, School of Music, Joseph Mead, a vagrant, was taken before Justice Pond, who sent him to ail for two days for being drunk. Mrs. Annio Ward Booster will give a ull-dress two-step party for all her adanced pupils on Wednesday, April 4th. The Ann Arbor Milling Co. has rented the grain elevator at East Cohotah and will begin business April 2nd. John Berger has purchased the brick store on the northeast corner of Liberty and Ashloy-sts. of George Waidelich for $4,600. William Clements, of Lodi, has been notified that he received a prize on the wheat he exhibited at the Columbian Exposition. Kooh & Henne sent a wagon load of urniture to Saline last week. Cari Xissle, who was recently married, is the mrchaser. Stephan Pratt, of Detroit, will erect two brick stores on Main-st., between ,he stores of Koek & Henne and B. Schumacher. Miss Gracie Briggs, daughter of Wm. Briggs, of Milan, feil f rom a load of goods near that place and was instantly killed. Professor Graham ïaylor, of Chicago theological seminary, will pi-each at the Congrepational ehureh, Sunday mornïng April lst. Lucy B. S. Parker has been appointed by the probate court executor of the estáte of her husband, Franklin L. Parker, deceased. Only two services will be held in the Zion Lutheran ehureh, preparatory to its being torn down to make room for the new structure. A large audience greeted President Ort in Bethlehem ehureh on Monday evening. His lecture on "Gustavus Adolphus" was an able one. At the Unity Club, next Monday evening, the meeting takes the form of a social. An interesting program and enjoyable time may be expected. Mrs. Lewis, of Reed City, died In that city Sunday, leaving an infant only a few days old. Her remains were brought to this city for interment. Arbor Hive No. 113, L. O. T. M., will give a maple sugar social this evening at Maccabee Hall. The proceeds will be applied on the piano fund. Mrs. Mary DeForest, widow of the late D. D. DeForest, died on Thursday night, aged 68 years. She was a resident of this city over forty years. Joseph Schiplack and Charles Wyatt were sentenced to 90 days, servitude in tho House of Correction at Detroit by Justice Pond for stealing robes. Miss Lydia Huss will be married to Wm. J. Schairer at the residente of the bride in Pittsfleld this afternoon. The Register extends congratulations. Crosswalks have been placed on Catherine-st., across Detroit-st., from Baumgartner]s marble works to the Finnegan block, and on Kellogg-st., across Pontiac-st. A little daughter of Dr. E. R. Eggleston, of the homtBopathic hospital, died on Saturday. The remains of the little one were taken to Mt. Vernon, Ohio, for interment. G. L. Smith, a Cassopolis merchant, is in the city. He says he will bring his family to this city, where they can enjoy the educational advantages the Athens offers. Adam D. Seyler has reeeived through C. W. Mellor $1,000 insurance money f rom the Equitable Insurance Co., that being the amount of the poliey his son John carried. Glen. V. Mills, the enterprising directory publisher, has returned from Owosso, and will issue his Owosso directory from the presses of the Register Publishing Co. A. L. Noble is expected back from i New York to day. It is rumorea that Barney Morrison, who was reported lost by the sinking oí a vessel on the Pacific, is in the city. Miss Dawson, of Detroit, lias been holding a Lonten class in needlework in this city. Mrs. Angelí, Mrs. Morris and several of the faculty ladies have been attending. Friday morninglastPatrick Mulligan died at his home, No. 83 Broadway, at the age of 71 years. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the house, Mrs. E. R. Sunderland ottioiating. "Pitzgibbon, " the onterprising taff correspondent of the Detroit Evening News, says Andrew ,T. Sawyer's plea in the DeFrance trial was said to be the best plea ever heard in the Kalamazoo court house. S. D. Nesmith was in town last night. This morning he went to Ann ArbDr, and from that city he goes to Philadelphia. The sanguine Samuel still insists that the street railway deal will be a "go. '" - Adrián Preas. Mrs. Trueblood will give an entertainment in the High School Hall Friday evening, March 30, for the benefit of the Sewing School. All interested in the work are cordially invited to att3nd. Admission, ten cents. The suit of Dr. V. D. Garwood vs. Homer C. Finley before Justicc Bennett Saturday last, resulted in a verdict of $72.68 and costs of suit, for the complainant. The complainant purchased a norse of defendant on account, but ílaimed the horse was not as represen ted. Miss Minnie Durheim, No. 11 S. Divison-st., was married on Tuesday evenng to Mr. Nathauiel Kellogg, of Orange, Mass. Miss Durheim 's many friends will miss her much. The Register joins them in extending congratulations and best wishes for her 'uture. Tuesday 's Detroit Tribune says under the heading of Washington news that iepresentative Gorman 's daughter, ;welve years oíd, died M onday. The Register knows of but one Ilepresentative Gorman at Washington and he lias no daughter, but a son, little Jimmie Gorman. Joseph Staebler purchased a number of lambs of Fred. Hutzel a few days ago, whose average weight was 93 pounds. He paid 4 cts. a pound for them. Mr. Staebler also bought a flock of lambs of John Hagan, for which he paid 3i cts. per pound. Their average weight was 80 pounds. Zach Roath, of the firm of Bach & Roath, has returned 'f rom New York, where he has made extensive purchases for the spring and summer trade. This popular firm always suceeeds in procuring the best goods in the market, and its sales are large, because the goods and prices are reliable. Albert Marske has purchased the brick store of Prof. C. G. Taylor on E. Washington-st. Mr. Marske is a pain ter and has been in the employ of Wm. Herz for twenty-five years. He owns other real estáte in thia city, all of which he nurchased with the money he saved from his weekly earnings. The Easter offering at St. Andrew'.s ehurch on Sunday amounted to over $1,500. Of this amount $1,000 was a memorial gift for Mr. John W. Wheeler, $500 from his wife and $500 from his daughter, Mrs. Luther. The remaining aniount was given by the congregation at large. This is certainly a genorous giving. The Republicans of Ypsilanti have j placed the following excellent ticket in the field : Mayor, W. B. Seymour ; first district, supervisor, David Edwards; constable, Soward Day; justice of the peace, H. W. Childs ; second district, supervisor, H. E. Diokenson ; constable, Frank Steward ; justice of the peace, O. B. Bradley. It is said that Stonewall DeFrance, the slickest swindler in this country, now on trial at Kalamazoo, looks like a certain editor of Ann Arbor. We have not learned which one but at any rate if DePrance looks like any editor in Ann Arbor, he must be a handsome man. There is not a homely one in the lot. The most of them, too, walk like bankers and talk like eongressman. - Democrat. Say, boys, what do you think of that? The Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan Railroad has passed from the present management into other hands. For some months mortgage suits have been pending in the United States courts, which will be foreclosed. President Ashley and the entire directory will resign. It is said that the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Co. will assume control. The March meeting of the Women's League comes this week Saturday at 4 o'clock in McMillan Hall. The subject f or discussion will be "The Influence of Political Rights for Women. " lst, on woman herself ; 2nd, on the home ; 3d, on society : 4th, on the political world. Eight young ladies will take part in the symposium, four the affirmative and four the negative view of the question. A general discussion will follow. All members, it is hoped, will be present. Admission for ladies. not members, ten cents. The rally held by the Y. M. CA. last Friday night at Bethlehem Lutheran church was well attended by the young men in the city. Addresses were made by Messrs. Dean, Mills, Allmendinger, Perry, Jacobs, Schairer, Revs. Cobern, Tedi-ow, Bradshaw, Willett and others. The young men were shown very clearly that they had a very important work todo in this city. and that if they would go forward and do the very best they cbuld they would have the hearty co-op■rat ion of all tho business a:i] proiessional men in Ann Arbor.


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Ann Arbor Register