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Messrs. Dietas and Schantz have 'ormcd a partnership and will carry on a tailoring business at 48 S. State-st. Both these gentlemen are good workmen and entirely competent to do firstclass work in every respect. We wish ;o cali the attention of our readers to this lirm's advertisement on page four. OUR5CËNTCQrU!ViN. " Advertisements, such as To Rent. For Sale and Wants, not exceeding three linee, can be nserted three weeks for 35 cent. WANTED, WANTED- Positlon by an experienced nurae wlth best recommendatlons trom physlcians, lö N. Thayer-st. Miss Hora Helle. 07_ VETANTE- Job work of all kinds. Special T attention glven to putting in eess pools, iaking raro of yards, cleanlng cisterns, etc. Everything dono in a neat and workman-like manner. Best of referenees glven. Rates reasonable. J. W. Shaw,"31-W. Huronst., West side door. oötf W ANTE- Party wishes to secure a loan of S4.000 for a term of years. Can give örst mortgage on property worth fully $30,000 as security. Must have low rate of interest. Address A. J., Drawer I), Ann Arbor. 99 WANTED- Bedding ana all kinds or piam sewing. Over Sheehan's Bootstore, third doortothejight; 23tf FOB SALE. IpOIt SALE: - A K'Mirt work liorse at a bar ga In. A. A. Orozier, Geddes a ve., P. O. Box im os f'OK SALE:- A Franklin Typcwriter, almost perfect ly new, at a bargain. Enquire at the ofHci' of The Ann Arbor Register. 06 mo LET:- Sixty-flve acres of cultivated J. land and forty acres of woodland. The wondland can be used for pasture. Eber White farm, 10:1 West Liberty-st. 05 ifXíR SALE: - An almost new canopy top x phaeton, built wlth Dexter springs and in the latest style. Has been used but a short time. A Bargain. I. C. Handy, over Seabold's blacksmith shop, opposite the C'ook House. POK SALE:- When you begin your house x cleanlng you will want some old paper to put ander your carpets. We have several nuiiiwiii il, (fi uili Ilt.WS])H ptTS, ('XCllítllíít'S etc.which we will sel] ut 8V4c per Ib, M the asnal price. Cali at the office of The Register hefore It is ;ill goue. 08 IMK SAI.E - Mrs. l'erkin's farm, 80 acres, 2 miles east of Saline, 7 miles soiith of Atui Arbor, known as the Kellogg farm. Btx acres goed hearing peach on-hard, house, bain, stock and well water in abundaace, school within % mile. Price reasonable, terms easy, cali on premises or 44 S. Ingallsst., Ann Arbor. 94tf L1OR SA1.E- Finnegan & Richards are selL llng balled hay and straw at whok-.nU prices. No. 9 Detroit St. tf E1OR SALE- The undersigned will selt the splendid farm of Hanson Sesatoo (to close the estatei layingon section two township of Northfield, conslstlng of 214 acres of land for the sum of seven thousand dollars which is leas than set per acre. Nowisthe timetoget abargaln, flrst come Bral served. E. Treadwi II and H. y. Sessions, E.xecutors of Hanson Session. Dated, Alm Aiiior, Doe, 26, 189;!. 91tf LKM FOK 120 Acres o! Land, siï l miles trom city, or will exchange for city prop. erty. Enquire at No. 3 E. Liberty-at. 31tT jVAHH 'OK Sa LH:- The Bullock or tverett r farm, 3 miles west of Salem station and 11 mllee from Ann Arbor, containir.g 109 acres, house and baris, stoc k and well water in abundance, timber; school and church within a mile; land natiirally the best; all seeded down. Price and terms reasonable. Cali on or addres; Andrew E. (iibson.30 Maynardst., Ann Arboi, Mich. 70tf FOR BKSiT. E TOR RENT- RoomsTn the Hamilton Block for light housekeeping.all modern con venlences lncluding steam heat. All rooms have recently been palnted and papered, Enquire room ;i, third Hoor. 83tf HOUNK TO KKVI IIK i'..K HAUB- Enqulre of J. Q. A. Sessions. real estáte agent 5 N. Main St. or at resideuce 36 E. William St Ann Arbor. Djit f AF. s.iiith Auctloneer, Box 14::, City. 05 LOST- A pair of old fashioned spectacles in a black case, last Suoday nignt. In or nearthe l'resbyterian church. Finder please return to Mrs. Ilarvey, r9 E. Washington-st. I ! (i i Our Combs i Can Be Broken. But our " Xubreakable" i Combs are warranled to Mand orilinui-y use. They ' costatrijk. more than the i i i eomm&n kind bilt are dieaper in the end. 25 ets. ' i i buys a good one. ( 1 ! I I i CALKINS' PHARMACY. 34 South State-Nl. (


Old News
Ann Arbor Register