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Golden Days

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THERE IS NO BETTER ADIERTISING MEDUM THAN AND THE RATES ARE MODERATE. Subscrptons to "GOLDEN 1JAYS,". $3.00 per annum, $1.50 pevvix months, $1.00 per months, all payable in advance. Single number 8, six cents eacli. We pay postage on ill United States and Canada subscript ons. All communicat ons , business or othertvise, must be iddressed to JAMES ELVERSON, Publisher, Ph iladélph ia , Pa . The title of Golden Days was an inspiration, and the paper itself has been a revelation. Our golden days are childhood and youth, when all nature is bright and the future shows no cloud. It is the period when the mind is formed for good or evil. and, in many respeets, is the most important period of life. lts bmad and genemus pages, coming every week aU the year round, emtain more reading than any otlu r i riiidicnl in America. Thul tg mu reaêon; imt the othcr and letter reuson , that all tlu reading iêjust u-hut the boys and gkii want. To keep Golden Days up to this standard, to make it bright . breezy, and abreast with the times, requires writers who onderstand boy-and-girl nature; and it has them. Hundreds of thousands of boys and girls all over the world do not need to be told anything about their favorite paper, and we feel sure that Golden Days will commend itself to many new readers in whose hands it may fall. Every number f Golden Days r(jniiins liberal instalmenls of fowr erials,Ugether uith Stories of Adventure, Articles on Science and Natural TRstory, or Letter Box, l'uzzb s. Bkmumws Müctüany, lttuttrated Sketches, and óther interesttog iimtti r, umi tin n .-■ not e dull or otmmon ptoo Unefirm Oki flrsi pagt to the laet, Send your address or a postal card and you will receive a specimen copy of Golden Days.


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