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Under Martial Law

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rOUK MEN KILLED. Cohtmbia, S. C, March 31.- The jassions aroused by the dispensary law nd the system had the long expected result in a fight at Uarlington Friday aiternoon, ia which at least two spies nd two oitizens were shot to death and íhre raen were badly wounded. 'Twenty-one other spies took to the wamps. In the fight at Darüngton Frank E. Sorment, a prominent insurance mui, and a man named Redmond from North Carolina and Constables McLenaon and Pepper were killed outright Ghief of Pólice Cargan, K. D. Lucas ,Mnd Louis Norment were shot and dangerouslv wouoded. State of Insurrectlon. Coï.umbïa, S. C, April 3.- Gov. Tillmau has declared Darlington and Florïnce connties in a state of insurrecüon. He has also ordered the railroad iothorities not to transport any bodie wf men unless authorized by him. The railroads thus íar refused compliance. governor has ordered the telegraph eempanies not to transmit any news of warlike lendency. This order has ':ikewise been refused. Tillman's Proelamatlon. The governor's proclamation declar(arlïngton and Florence counties m insurrection is as follovvs: "Whereas, Certain persons have assembled fn the counties oí Darlington and Florence and re in opea rebellion against the authoriües of ilie govrnment oí tilia state, and it has beimte impracticable to enforce by the oriinar? course oí judicial proceedinga the 4to oí the state ivithin sald counties ■now, therefore, I, B. R Tiliman, governor vt the state of South Carolina, do proclaim .iuch persons so assembled to be in open retellion against the laws of the Btate, and I do Hereby command all such assemblaRes of insurgents to dispersa and retire peaceably to their respective abodes within tweuty-iour Man." Dispensarles Destroyed. It is the governor's purpose to Uïze 12,01)0 men at Darlington, but lic -Srwls the task difficult in the extreme. In the meantime the citizens of Darlington, Florence and vicinity all go srmed and prepared lor trouble. Local dispensarles at perhaps a dozen points have been raldèd and their contents run out. Scouting parties have teen after the constables who escaped, tnd whilc sotne of them are now safe (rom capture others are Hable to be iaken. and in the raood of the people in and around Darlinarton may meet death speedily. Not in thirty years kas there been such estrangeraent betwsea different faetions and element of South Carolina. Addrefwed by tUe Govprnor. At 5 o'clock marching orders were ijiven to the troops stationed at the aenitentiary. Gov. Tillman addressed them, saying: ''As chief executlve of Soutti Carolina I wish SO say a (cw worcls to you beiore your deWfcrt"are. V thu-nk you for the promptness .and zeal dlsplayed by you in respondmg to the cali for duty. Many of you Have douliss as to the justlce of the uauL fc wbich you go. You are reform öemoorats and antis, but all South Carollnians, hauii tiod. The reason of your going to Dar:ingx is caused by tlie dispcnsary law, and it Is law s long as it stands on the statute books nd until it Is repealed or dcclared unconstitu"onal by the supremo court i-t an Invasión nf Prívate RijfUts. The newspapers have sown the seed of disccrd by teaching you that there are portions of 'ka Law whiüh Invade private rights. They ,-how th when they gay that they lie. The riííht to search private houses on a warrant is is old as the law itKelf. They know that they re not telling the truth wheu they try to make jou believe that these men in Üarlington were ffendinR thoir liberties. iu.v message to the legislature that large force of constables would not be necesBry if '_he polii of the tuwns would enforce toe law, but they wouldnot do this. The dispensary law )8 not the issue now, bul so long a it is on the statute books, so help me Uod, I lotend to enforce it. " C'IU Tbrra Coirarda. .'rring to the mutinons militiu eompanies at Columbia, Florence, Siunpti'r and Charleston, (ov. Tillman d tham h eowards. lle con d m a delicate and dangerous ' mission. You must reinember tliut the Havn people are our fellow-citizons, but the; re ■ n and it la 1 tor you i to uphold the law. You po vis au . law and you must treat the DarlingderfttioQ, but !f you :iro lust do ltoranarol -iR. I .nope to resiore you to n!v aa posslblc, bul the law .pía or Uio state governmeat wül be ihtj luuRbinx staok ol the wol rrtss Cetuorahtp. Dá . Í. L, April a.- A miXit'iry presa cemonMp is in iorce here, at the center of public interest in the ciispciisary troubles. The military oí the go vernor are in f uil .L the telegraph wires. Solik and havo taken lailway u i . ;h ofand will not perinit the transmisor dcKvery of diapatchea or presa messisg'es to correspondents here until tlit-y have been first ii y the afficers iu command.


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