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E.f. Mills & Co.

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20 S. MAIN ST. HOUSE CLEANING TIME ! ONE PRICE ONLY ! Suggests new Carpets, Lace Curtains, Portieres, Mattings, Rugs, Carpet S weepers, &c., Those wlio favor us with their trade know that they can send a child to our store Not necessary to specify other items for every housekeeper knows the list by heart with the certainty of our prices being as low to the child as to the best posted buyer. and knows it is ahvays long enough. Do vfn wisli vnnr wrmiri jnj u ,, t, , w . . .„ They know also that ourprices are always as low as our neighbors', and in manv lJo you wi,n your dollar would do doublé duty tlus year? We can assist you ïf you n„aQC i„jL tv, + ir i j v a -, -,- - will give us the opportunity. cases lower' That Knowledge begets confidence. We are addmg constantly to our list of customers by modern business methods. We should be pleased to have The best goods at the price of the trashy imitations. your name added to our list. Pit Di2kCirl 1+ f EVERY WORD I p For Friday and Saturday % JlyP ff April 6th and ?th m_ jfr 1 M We offer a Bargain which every Housekeeper will appreciate. I lflíÍl 54 Doz. Pure Linen XOAVELS I Wh I " I In Both Hack and Damask, with Heavy and Fine Knotted Fringe. Sizes from 20 1 Jm f,. j;t "2 "y 4Ö to 23 b? 50 Fourteen styles to select im tk n$l pric6s of JSlt mo,t8tjiiShdesig„-woaidbe vhich woiüd U 31c, 35c, 40c M 50c. An overstocked Linen importer, anxious I " ig ."! a grand bargain at $2.50, but ' ' r J íbLÍSnfc.11 l0t5 0Í Í0 UnlOad SOl(1 tIieSe 00(ÍS 8 iiSC0UIlt 0Í 2Ö Per CeDtl frOm rülar PrÍCeSl N0 I Iduction price will b; $ ï 6 o Sücl1 valne 'n Towels has been offere(1 in tllis section and ÏOU wil' aanli us for call I lly ing yonr attention to these Elegant Goods at the Low Price at ihich we shall sell I Q8c. The Rush for taI - DRnss 25 Cts. Each. capes GOODS ' Jackets continúes it no wonder Novelty Braidsand Silkolines and - Cl-iïtHwhen one looks over our RUU. mg m ti is une New Dress Trimmings Drapery uoods Our Novelties in Pattern ■!!■■■■ In Great Variety. In Entirely New Designs. AVl f Suits, from $5.00 to $18.00 . - ■ - ■ each for afternoon and for evening wear attract deserved T T WBl ft O ft fl AA O A A I % È n t n epaitinriit . are attention f g Hl I I I Mm I 1 M M fl 11 Y mplete „, line The Lines at Li I ■ IflILLw UI Uwlfll ftt ï I J of desirable novelties. jgc. 20 SOUTH MAIN STREMT. Capes from $1.98 up. - AND Jackets from $3.98 up. 5OC32 inch Pongees 35c a Pair OT Shirt Waists from 39c up A Yard (value 12 i-ac) at Q CIS. PotVo frr ír sis T1 M . -) JL Ctir 1UY pjL.i)(j The styles are 8uch as comhave been replenished and now PattetllS and P"1 admiration from every contain the gepest lot of This is our Price for a Burlington ]ookt,. aU(, om. i(.(.s we ma(]e Birable Dress Fabnc-s in the ( Ü1C1: SellerS at thlS ÏOW Fast Black Hose for which you or= 0Q tIl(. (ui( ,k [.l]v ,ml emaU t;1'1111111' dinpay . pi,)fit p];m.


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