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SALEM. Notwithstandihg the fact that the Dernoerats and Prohibitionists united, the Republicana won the day at the election last Monday. Fred C. Wheeler was elected supervisor, vvith a majority of 69. LIRA. Mr. D. Dixon is quite low. Mra. Alice Wood spent last week visiting relatives in Coldwater. The Lima Band gives a dance tomorrow evening. Mrs. D. Wood has been quite siek. WHITMORE liAKE. note with keen regret the fact tïiat ( 'ias. O. Maeham, operator for the T. & A. A. Ky., at this place, will leave here, paving been ott'ered a better position. Mr. Macham is a highly estimable man, and very much respected by all. Mr. J. R. King was called to Grand Rapids last Thursday to attend the funeral of his daughter, who died suddenly. SALIi.H TO1VN. Mías Clara McCormick commenced school Monday morning at Dixboro. School commenced in district No 3 Monday with Miss Emily Robacher as teacher. Mr. Nichols, a student from Ann Arbor, delivered an excellent sermón at Laphams church last Sabbath. The Willing Workers will meet with Miss Lutie Cu'rtis Saturday afternoon. GEDDES. h Townsend closed the winter term of school in this district last Thursday. The spring term commenced Monday with Ann L. Deer, as teacher. The young people held a dancing party at the hall on Friday evening. They report a good time. H. K. White, celebratcd his seyentythird birthday on Saturday. líe has lived on section 27 of Ann Arbor town since June, 1824. I think he is the oldsettler in Washtenaw county. PITTSFÏKliD. Mrs. Jane Miller, wife of Benjamin Müler, died March l(i, aged 69 years. The Sunday School at the Stone school house elected the followirig oflïcers last Sunday : Assistant Superintendent, Miss Laura Road ; Secratary and Treasurer, Miss Sadie Campbell, organist, Miss Ida Lathrop; Librarian, Miss Nellie M. Read. A superintendent will probably be chosen next week. Miss Kittie Campbell, who Í3 teaching at South Bend, Ind., is spending her vacation at home. Mr. Darling's little boy feil down stairs Sunday morning. He received an ugly gash in the head. Tiie election went off very quietlv, a light vote was cast. The entire Republioan ticket was elected. WIÍBSTIÍU Last Saturday night the recital of Mrs. Sabe was a complete success. Humor and wit were desirable accompainments of the pro.luctions. The musicai part of the program was also excellent, lts varied oharacter and harmonious air added to the delight of the evening. Mrs. Baumgardner is entertaLüng her niece this week. Calvin DeCamp died at his home last week, aged 36 years. He was buried Sunday, by the Order of Odd Fellows, of which he was a member. Mr. DeCamp was a prosperous farmer, well-todo and intelligent citizen, and at the time of his death was township clerk of Webster. Two sisters, his mother and his wife, survive him. School in District No. 2, starts up this week with Miss Kate Smith, as teacher. Last Sunday at communion services, Mre. Baumgardner and George Alexander were received into membership of the Congregational church, Mr. Wm Handley is quite sick with inflammation of the lungs. Some of our townsmen are h'auling off wheat at 50 cents per bushel.


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