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The Human Electrical Forces! How They Control the Organs of the Body. The electrical forcé of the human body, M the nerve fluid may be termed, U an espeeiaüyattractivedepartment of scionce, as it trituiuv iiocessitrv to inflBV ure ffielr healtfi. The Rm pneumogastric nerve, as KiifeM aerve force necessary to WHBOl hv the out the lons nerve JflnH descending (rom the m IH R base of the braio anü H ■■ Dk ti-rmiuatinKlntho JM 1K B ,4h isthepneumogastric, JV SBH ü whlle the namenjus (- ffl };;,.: luw. aníom- ach with necessary vi- tality. When the brain ■ OflR becomes in any vray ■ H ordercd by imtability ■ jf or exhaustion, the nerve WAS force which it supplies VI Is lessened, and tho 1 10 trans recelvinz the ■ EKJB ■ S tho importance of thts facfc but twattte orean usen ïnsiuuu ui i t-" i"i Vf tí TÚV uoted specialist, Franklin Miles, M. D., íh. B., has gíven tho ereater part of his Ufe tothestudy of this subject, and the i Ipa I discoveriesconcerninKÍtareduetohiseffürlr. Dr. Miles1 Restorative Nervlne, the unnvaled brain and nerve food, ispieparedonthe principie that all nervous and many olher ñilflculties oriKinate ftom dMf, ,HJ e33Lft&.3LS cures jMgW al dóbilYíy, S Vnüs dance, epiíepsy, etc. Ls free frora opiates or dangerous drugs li Ls sold on a positivo guarantee bsr aU4m gists. or sent direct by the Ur. Miles Med i, a. ï'o Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of pnce, ïl pet bottle, six bottles ior $5. express prepaiü. SPRINGPENÏNG THURSDAY, APRIL 5, '94 FINE MILIMRY Of evory kind. Cali and make your selection early. Everythlng in thc Latest Styks and at lowest prices. A. M. Otto, Cor. Fonrth Ave. WnsUlngton Ss A Garden Free. Send us 10 cents for 3 months sub criotion to Homes and Htarth. We will send yon as a present, transportation prepaid, A MAGMFICENT PREMIUM PACKAGE OF UT ftWCD CüünQ 202 choice. f resh varLUntiK DCiCiUO, rieiies from largest i'rowers in theworld, inchuling such popular leaders as Swect Pean, (Boreatton, Granel Blue, Queen of England, Ia Eekford, "all new," etc.) also Pannes, (Rex, Gold Margined, Snow Queen, Ilighlrtiid, etc.) also Asters, (Jewel, Perfection, Victoria, etc.) ana many others. The whole is a perfect wealth of flowers, fit for a royal garden. Homes and Hearths is an attractive IC page monthly, with lovely illustrations, splendid. absorbing original stories; special departments for FASHION and HOME DECOKATION; best selected matter; FIRESIDE FUJN; a pertect mine of pleasure and value. The paper will cohtain other splendid premium offers. Address HOMES & HEARTIIli Pub. Co., Kcw York. FÏNEDRESSMAKÏNG IN THE UTEST STÏLES. SATISFACTJON G VARAXTEED. MISS EMMA STEBBENS, No. 7 Thompson-St., Ann Arbor. FRUIT TREES FOR SALE. FOR THE NEXT Tif N DAYS Apple trees, 5 to 1 ft. per hundred $15 i ear o tu í iu Plum " B to 6 ft. " 30 Cheri-y " 4 to 5 ft. " 30 Peach " 3to4ft. " 10 Apricott " 4 to 5 ft. " 40 Quince, Orange 2 to 3 ft. " 25 Currants, $10 to $20 per hundrcd. Goosberry, 10c to 25c each. Blaekberry, Raspberry, Grapes, and everything very low. An endless variety of flowers and ornamental trees, very cheap. All tii-st-class. J. A. líl IIIÜ.I . 33 Detroit St., Aun Arbor, -Ii. STAEBLER & COMPANY, Sucessors to OVERBECK & STAEBLER, GROGERIES AND ■ IT IS HUMAN NATURE TO WANT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. SILVËRWARE Given away FREE at W. F. LODHOLZ'S Grocery Store, 4 & 6 Broadway. This is the way it is done, with every cash sale, whether it be 10c or 50c, we give you a coupon showing the amount purchased and when you have bought 3roceries or any goods in our line to the amount of $40, $45 or $50 you can have yourehoico of the twenty beautiful pleces of silverware, such as Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holders, Cream, Fruit, Caster, Berry, Pickel, Butter Dishes, etc. Cali and examine. Remember every thing in the Grocery Line sold cheap foi1 cash. W. F. LODHOLZ, 4 and 6 Broadtvay. Lumber! Lntnber ! Isumberl If you contémplate building cali at FERDON LumberYard COR. FOURTH AND DEPOT STS. And get your figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guaran tee VERY LOW PRICBS ! Give us a cali we will make it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fu'lly sustains our assertion. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KEECH, Supt. ifNotTWhylot USE Blooni of Roses for the complexión, 5e and lOcpackages. Toiletlne for tlie complexión, 5c and 10c package. Glycerlne wlth Lavender for the hands and face, 25c per bottle. Halr Invlgorator, keep the halr from falling out, 75c per bottle. Halr Dressing, keep the halr from lal - llng out, 25e per bottle. Sweet dover, Batter Color, a pure vegetable color, 10, 15 and 25c a bottle. Red and Yellow Cake Colorlng, 20c oz. We also prepare a full line of Flavorlng Kxtract, such as Orange, I.cnioii, Van lila, Celery, Pluc Apple, Pcar, Strawberry, Etc. Wc would also cali your attention to our C. P. BAKING POWDER. Strlctly a pnre Crcam of Tarter Baking Powder, f ree from Ammonia and Alum. Wo guarantco thls Baking Powder equal to any in the market. The above Preparations are all manufacturad in the Laboratory of The Ebebbaoh OHBMICaii OO. and are guaranteed to prov satisfactory or money refunded. EBERBACH Drug and Chemical Co.


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Ann Arbor Register