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SHORT TALKS ON ADVERTISING. N08. LWrittcn especially for The Reqistek.T One man succeeds and anothei1 man fails and people wonder how it happens. It soems sometimes to people who doa't think deeply, that the weaker, duller man goes ahead and that his more brilliant brother sticks in the rut at the flrst round of the ladder. Slight differences in men seem to makc all the wide difforences between success and failure. In games of chance (?) the "bank" has only a slight percentage, but the bank always wins. Back of every result is a reason. Back of business success are earnestness, energy, persistence, concentration. Between these and achievement is advertising. Xo man ever yet made a sucoess of busineaa without advertising of some sort. Maybe he didn't cali it adve#tising, but it was advertising just the same. Advertismg primarily consists in letting a lot of people knovv you are in existenoe and what excuse you have for it. The nucleus of advertising is a sign over the dooi1. If nobody had ever put up a sign, the Royal Baking Powder Co. would not now be paying $800,000 a year placing signs in all the newspapers of America. When a man goes into business, he has some cards printed and when he meets an acquaintance thereafter, he pokes out a card and says: "When you're down my way, drop in. " That's advertising. The trouble is that you can 't repeat the operation of ten enough - personally. What you can do is to put the card and the remark, more or less elaborately expressed, into The Register and have it handed to 2,000 families all in one day. The difference in men that makes one do this and another refuse, is small. That is, it looks small at the start. Ifc'i like most all little things - when you stop to analyze it and figure it out to its uitimate result, you find that it grows into proportions of great magnitude. An advertisement in "The Register" is a little thing, but it goes into hundreds of homes and tells thousands of people just what you most wish theni to hear. If the ad. is an honest ad., it will always pay. Santa Fe II To students whose homes are in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Texas, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, California and other Pacific Coast States, who expect to go home for the vaeation, this line offers unexcolled f acihties. lts fast train and fine service are not equaled by any other line. An agent of the company will be at the Cook House on Tuesday, June óth, and a part of each week from that time until the close of the term, prepared to furnish tickets and information to all. Cali and see him and get the rates and such other information as you may want. Geo. E. Gilman, Mich. Pass. Agt., 63 Griswold-st., Detroit, Mich. (12tf) Cannot Say Enough IN Praise of Hood's "C. I. nood & Co., Lowell, Mass. : " Gentlemen: - I feel that I cannot wrlta words which will speak higlily enough of Hood's Sarsaparilla. I can teil ray friends what it dld íor me a good deal better than I can writo It. But I will slmply state that itcured me oí a very severa case of catarrh after the -physicians failed to help me. It also cured my busband oi rheumatism of serlous nature a year ago. Four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla effecteil A Perfect Cure ia hls case. I think Ilood's Sarsaparilla Is the best spring medicine that can be found. Wo have usedit In our family five yoars, and would Dot do without it. I am very thankful to you Hood'ss; Cures for the blessing this medicine has been to us. Everybottlels worth its weight in gold." Mrs. I J. H. Guiïcan, 270 Wabash Ave., Detroit, Mich. Hood's Pilis are prompt and efficiënt, yet easy ia action. Sold by all drugglsts. 26c.


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